University of Jewish Studies

Coming Events

24th of June; 4.15-5.45 p.m.

Dr. Lily Eilan (Heidelberg University)

The sacred tie between the Druze and the Jews? A Re-evaluation

24th of June, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Der Krieg in uns

Workshop according to Theory U

10th of July, 6 p.m.

"Eine 'asoziale' Pfälzer Familie"

Book Presentation and Discussion with Alfons L. Ims

Current Seminars & Lectures (Catalogue)

Summer Term 2024



HfJS on Social Media:




Open Letter from Academics on Antisemitism on Campus in Germany, Austria and Switzerland


"The vast majority of Jews in Germany have personally experienced antisemitism in recent years. Since the genocidal massacre by the terrorist organization Hamas and its allied groups in Israel on October 7, 2023, this situation has significantly deteriorated. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, 2,249 antisemitic crimes were recorded from October 7 to date, tripling the number of antisemitic crimes compared to the previous year. The Bundesverband der Recherche- und Informationsstellen Antisemitismus (RIAS) [1] reported that in October 2023, the number of daily antisemitic incidents increased by 320% compared to the annual average in 2022. ..."


The new Research Kolloquium starts already on Monday, the 15th of April

2024 Forschungskolloquium Gesamt


The new catalogue of seminars and lectures for the summer term 2024 is now ONLINE

(Registration required via heiCo, possible from 15 March)



Start of the Semester Break (until 15 April)

20240216 Schneegloeckchen

Responsible: E-mail
Latest Revision: 2024-06-27