

1 d Mapathon


20th of June, 6:15 p.m. S4,

Dr. Robert Danziger & Khalil Khalil (Mannheimer Mapathons e. V.)

Introduction: Digitale Mappings "Get togethers"

Interreligios Cooperation to support humanitarian Aid



More Information about the Mannheim Mapathons















1a Lily Eilan


24th of June, 4:15 p.m.

Dr. Lily Eilan (Heidelberg University)

The sacred ties between the Druzes and the Jews? A Re-evaluation




Event as part of the research colloquium in the summer semester 2024, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke and Prof. Dr. Viktor Golinets.












1.2 Der Krieg in uns


24th of June, 6-9 p.m.

Der Krieg in uns

Workshop according to Theory U



In cooperation with karlstor kino / medienforum e. V., vhs Edingen-Neckarhausen & the Montpellier-Haus


Supported by the City of Heidelberg, Office for Equal Opportunities and Mosaik Deutschland e.V. as part of the federal program "Demokratie leben!" of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.











1.3 Alfons Ims


10th of June, 6 p.m. July,

"Eine 'asoziale' Pfälzer Familie"

Book launch and panel discussion with Alfons L. Ims



In cooperation with karlstor kino / medienforum e. V., vhs Edingen-Neckarhausen & the Montpellier-Haus


Supported by the City of Heidelberg, Office for Equal Opportunities and Mosaik Deutschland e.V. as part of the federal program "Demokratie leben!" of the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Responsible: E-Mail
Latest Revision: 2024-06-17