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Curriculum Vitae

PD Dr. Hildegard Frübis


Contact: hildegard.fruebis(at)

Associate member of the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg

Office hours: by appointment

SS 2023-WS 2023/24 Substitute Professorship "Jewish Art", Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies

Main research areas

Early modern and modern art:

From the "Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Renaissance" to the modern museum. On the history and theory of collecting

From the "Description de l'Égypte" to photographic expeditions: Visualizations of the Orient between art and science

Gender and postcolonial studies in the visual arts

Art and art discourse of Jewish Modernism

History of photography - Orientalism, Jewish culture and photography, the Holocaust

History of science and methods in art history


Studied art history and ethnology in Tübingen and Bologna.

Magister Artium (1988) Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen; "Das Bildprogramm des Exotica-Raumes in den Uffizien. Studies on the art chamber of the Medici."

Doctorate (1993) Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen; "Die Wirklichkeit des Fremden. On the Discovery of America in the Pictorial Impressions of the 16th Century", Berlin (Reimer) 1995.

Doctoral and travel scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation (research stays in Great Britain, France and Spain).

1996 - 1997 Postdoctoral fellowship at the Graduiertenkolleg "Psychische Energien bildender Kunst" at the Kunsthistorisches Institut der J.W. von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.

1998 - 2004 Research assistant at the Department of Art History at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

02/ 2003 - 04/2003 Research fellowship of the DHI Washington, research stay in New York at the Leo Baeck Institute.

02/2005 Habilitation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Habilitation thesis: "Die Illustrationen Max Liebermanns zu Heinrich Heines 'Rabbi von Bacherach'. Images of Jewish Modernism in the Context of the 'Jewish Question' and Art Studies

Since the winter semester 2005/06 various guest and substitute professorships

2014 - 2015 Research fellowship from the Gerda Henkel Foundation on art in "Jewish Modernism"

04/2015 - 06/2017 Lise-Meitner position at the KFU Graz, Center for Jewish Studies

2017 - 2018 Gerda Henkel Foundation research fellowship on art in "Jewish Modernism"


Photographs from the camps of the Nazi regime. Preservation of evidence and aesthetic practice, (ed.) Frübis, Hildegard, Clara Oberle, Agnieszka Pufelska, Böhlau 2019.

Die Evidenz der Fotografie und die fotografischen Erzählweisen des Judenmords, in: Bannasch, Bettina/Hans Joachim Hahn (eds.): Darstellen, Vermitteln, Aneignen - Gegenwärtige Reflexionen des Holocaust, Göttingen 2018, 257-280.

The New Synagogue in Berlin (1866) and the Alhambra. The Adaptation of Moorish Style Elements and the Re-Orientalization of European Judaism, in: Giese, Francine/Ariane Varela Braga (eds.): The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Perspective, Bern et al. 2018, 153-162.

From the Description de L'Égypte toPhotography: The Visualization of the Orient, in: The Innocent Eye. Images of the Orient in Early Photography. Catalog for the exhibition Göttingen, Kunstsammlung der Universität 2017, ed. by Martin Luchterhandt/Lisa Marie Roemer/Verena Suchy, Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag 2017, 15-22.

The Figure of the Beautiful Jewess: Displacements on the Borders between East and West, in: Brunotte, Ulrike et al.: Internal Outsiders - Imagined Orientals? Antisemitism, Colonialism and Modern Constructions of Jewish Identity, Würzburg: Ergon 2017, 61-72.

Artists' journeys: The Example of Egypt, in: European History Online (EGO), published by the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz 2015-12-11. URL: bish-2015-deURN: urn:nbn:de:0159-2015121108

Staged reality. The "Discovery" of Egypt in Photography, in: Biedermann, Heike/ Dehmer, Andreas/ Karge, Henrik (eds.): Imagination and Contemplation. Egypt Reception and Egypt Travels in the 1st Half of the 20th Century, Dresden 2015, 86-93.

Max Liebermann, Else Lasker-Schüler, Issachar Ber Ryback and the Art of Jewish Modernism, in: Braun, Christina von (ed.): "Was war deutsches Judentum? 1870-1933", Berlin et al.: de Gruyter 2015, 85-102.

Ephraim Moses Lilien: The Figure of the "Beautiful Jewess," the Orient, the Bible, and Zionism, in: Brunotte, Ulrike; Anna-Dorothea Ludewig, Anna-Dorothea; Stähler, Axel (eds.): Orientalism, Gender, and the Jews. Literary and Artistic Transformations of European National Discourses (Europäisch-jüdische Studien - Beiträge 23) De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2014, pp. 82-97.

The "Jewess" as Oriental or the "Oriental Jewess". On the construction of an image type. Lectures of the Center for Jewish Studies, Graz: Grazer Universitätsverlag 2014.

(Children's) Icons - Photographic Images and the Memory of the Holocaust, in: Peter Seibert, Jana Piper, Alfonso Meoli (eds.): Anne Frank. Media Stories, Berlin: Metropol 2014, 12-36.

The Amazons in the "New World". Die visuelle Repräsentation des kulturell Anderen im Mittelalter und der Frühen Neuzeit, in: Charlotte Schubert/Alexander Weiß (eds.), Amazonen zwischen Griechen und Skythen: Gegenbilder in Mythos und Geschichte. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 310, Berlin/Boston 2013, 57-72.

Orientalism re-visited. On the representation of the Orient in 19th century painting, in: Dennerlein, Bettina/ Frietsch, Elke (eds.): Verschleierter Orient - entschleierter Okzident? Stagings in politics, law, art and culture since the 19th century, Zurich 2012.

The Art Discourse of Jewish Modernism as a Discourse of Identity: From Rembrandt to Max Liebermann, in: Kluwe, Sandra/Markus Müller (eds.): Identitätsentwürfe in der Kunstkommunikation, Berlin (Walter de Gruyter) 2012, 319-335.

Review of Silke Förschler, Images of the Harem. Media change and cultural exchange. Berlin: Reimer Verlag 2010, in: Sehepunkte April 2011 ( URL:

Review of Viktoria Schmidt-Linsenhoff, Ästhetik der Differenz. Postcolonial perspectives from the 16th to the 21st century, 15 case studies. Volume 1: Texts; Volume 2: Illustrations, Marburg: Jonas Verlag 2010, in: Sehepunkte April 2011 (URL:

The Amazons in America, in: Amazons. Mysterious women warriors. Accompanying book to the exhibition of the Historisches Museum Speyer, Munich 2010, 204 - 212.

1968 and the consequences. Art history and the question of gender, in: Kunst und Politik. Yearbook of the Guernica Society, Focus: Art History after 1968, vol. 12/2010, Göttingen 2010, 87-98.

Collections and collection histories. From studiolo to collection space, in: Blattner, Evamarie / Wiegmann, Karlheinz (eds.): Schätze aus dem Verborgenen. Sammeln und Sammlungen in Tübingen, exhibition catalog Stadtmuseum Tübingen, Tübingen 2010, 11-17.

Pablo Gargallo, Mask of a young man with curly hair (1911), catalog article "Masken. Metamorphoses of the Face from Rodin to Picasso", Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, Ostfildern 2009.

Images of the Sphinx. The photographic conquest of the Orient between archaeology and art, in: Zentrum Paul Klee Bern (ed.): Auf der Suche nach dem Orient. Paul Klee Carpet of Memory, Ostfildern 2009, 106 - 129.

Religion and Nation. Bildnerische Konzeptionen der jüdischen Emanzipationsgeschichte, in: Faber, Richard/Lanwerd, Susanne (eds.): Aspekte der Religionswissenschaft, Würzburg 2009, 113 - 128.

"Olmert reconsiders withdrawal plan". The Power of Images - Critical Image Studies and Feminist Critique. In: FKW Journal for Gender Studies and Visual Culture, issue 44/2007, 49-58.

Retouched images. Anne Frank and her reception after 1945. In: Fotogeschichte Heft 102/2007, 35 - 53.

"The Wild Man and Freedom in the Wilderness". On the reception of the discovery of America in the German-speaking cultural area of the 16th century. In: (ed.) Janz, Rolf-Peter: Fascination and horror of the foreign. Frankfurt a. Main 2001, 107-125.

The reality of the foreigner. Zur Entdeckung Amerikas in den Bildprägungen des 16. Jahrhunderts, Berlin (dissertation) 1995.

Co-editor of "Frauen - Kunst - Wissenschaft", semi-annual journal, Jonas-Verlag Marburg (2005-2015).