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Gesellschaftliche Satire

Jewish Art

Jewish Art is a sub-subject of Jewish Studies. As part of the B. A and M. A. degree programs, the subject is offered in the advanced module and in the specialization modules/intensive modules. A final thesis with a focus on Jewish Art can be acquired in the following degree programs:

B.A. Jewish Studies 75%

B.A. Jewish Studies 50%

M. A. Jewish Studies

M.A. History of Jewish Cultures

Middle Ages Master

The supervision of a doctoral thesis can be accepted after consultation with the Chair of Jewish Studies and the Examination Office of the University of Jewish Studies. Topics can be chosen from the entire range of the subject.

Career Prospects

A cultural history-oriented subject such as Jewish Art opens up a wide range of career prospects, as numerous European memorial institutions, archives and museums require staff. Jewish Art can therefore be studied with a focus on research and teaching as well as on museological practice and communication, for example with a view to working in exhibition management and public relations in museums and heritage conservation. Application-oriented courses and excursions to important sites of Jewish life are offered each semester.

Portraitfoto von Fr. Prof. Dr. Fruebis
Visiting professorship in Jewish Art

Dr. Hildegard Frübis