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Dipl. Phys. Bettina Burghardt M.A.

Dipl. Phys. Bettina Burghardt
Scientific Assistant Bible and Jewish Bible Interpretation

Bettina Burghardt Dipl. Phys.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2022 PhD project "The study of two alphabetically structured Old French and Hebrew/Aramaic vocabularies, their meaning and how they are embedded in the Jewish and Christian traditions of medieval northern France in the 12th to 14th centuries" (working title).
06/2021 M.A. in Jewish Studies M.A. thesis "How Did the Vegetable Get Into the Bible? Elija ha-Nakdan's Dudaʼim as a Tracer for Cultural Transfer"
2013 – 2018 B.A. in Jewish Studies (major) and Classical Archaeology (minor), Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies/Heidelberg University B.A. thesis "Die assyrische Bedrohung Jerusalems um 701 v.d.Z."
Since 2021 Research Associate, Chair of Bible and Jewish Biblical Interpretation, Project "Corpus Masoreticum"
2018 – 2021 Graduate Research Assistant, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies, Chair of Bible and Jewish Biblical Interpretation, Project "Corpus Masoreticum"
10/2009 – 07/2013 Graduate Research Assistant and Tutor for Biblical, Rabbinic and Modern Hebrew, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies, Lectureship for Hebrew (Kevin Trompelt M.A.)
Scholarships and Awards  
11/1983 – 07/1990 Stipendium der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
08/2018 DAAD-Stipendium für die Teilnahme an einem Hebräisch Sprachkurs (Ulpan) an der Universität Haifa (Lower Advanced 2, Abschluss: 97%)
10/2018 Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, Award für the best M.A. thesis
2018 Esslingen am Neckar, in: New Gallia-Germania Judaica (NGGJ), 23.09.2018, < Neckar> (12.10.2019).
2022 Did the Scribe Really Mess up the Date? The Dating of MS Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana ebr. 14 According to Its Colophon, in: Corpus Masoreticum Working Papers