Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss
2021 Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts (ed. by Hanna Liss, in Collaboration with Jonas Leipziger; Judaism and Environment 85), Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, 2021.
2020 Jüdische Bibelauslegung (utb textbook series Jewish Studies 4), Tübingen 2020.
Reviews: Theologische Literaturzeitung (ThLZ), 147 (2022), 304-306; Pastoralblatt, 74 (2022), pp. 252-254 ; Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses (ETL), 99 (2023), pp. 697-699
2019 Tanakh. Textbook of the Jewish Bible (Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 8), 4th, completely revised edition, Heidelberg 2019.
2018 The Scriptures (Hebrew-German) in the revised translation by Rabbi Ludwig Philippson (ed. by Walter Homolka, Hanna Liss and Rüdiger Liwak), Freiburg/Basel et al: Herder, 2018.
2018 How Judaism lives with the Torah. Weisung von ganz oben (together with Bruno Landthaler), Berlin: Cornelsen, 2018.
2016 The Prophets (Hebrew-German) in the revised translation by Rabbi Ludwig Philippson (ed. by Walter Homolka, Hanna Liss and Rüdiger Liwak), Freiburg/Basel et al: Herder, 2016.
2016 Tell it to your children. The Torah for Children (together with Bruno E. Landthaler), Vol. 5: Devarim - Words, Berlin: Ariella Verlag, 2016.
2015 Tell it to your children. Die Torah für Kinder (together with Bruno E. Landthaler), Vol. 4: Bamidbar - In der Wüste, Berlin: Ariella Verlag, 2015.
2015 Tell it to your children. Die Torah für Kinder (together with Bruno E. Landthaler), vol. 3: Wajikra - Und er rief, Berlin: Ariella Verlag, 2015.
2015 The Torah. The Five Books of Moses and the Prophetic Readings (Hebrew-German) in the revised translation by Rabbi Ludwig Philippson (ed. by Walter Homolka, Hanna Liss and Rüdiger Liwak, with the collaboration of Susanne Gräbner and Daniel Vorpahl), Freiburg/Basel et al: Herder, 2015.
2014 Tell it to your children. Die Torah für Kinder (together with Bruno E. Landthaler), vol. 2: Schemot - Namen, Berlin: Ariella Verlag, 2014, 2nd revised edition 2016.
2014 Tell it to your children. Die Torah für Kinder (together with Bruno E. Landthaler), vol. 1: Bereshit - Am Anfang; Berlin: Ariella Verlag, 2014, 2nd ed. 2015.
2011 Creating Fictional Worlds: Peshat Exegesis and Narrativity in Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah (Studies in Jewish History and Culture 25), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2011.
2010 Literary Construction of Identity in the Ancient World. Proceedings of the Conference Literary Fiction and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Literatures: Options and Limits of Modern Literary Approaches in the Exegesis of Ancient Texts (ed. by Hanna Liss and Manfred Oeming), Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2010.
2008 Tanakh. Lehrbuch der jüdischen Bibel (Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 8), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2nd, erw. u. aktual. Edition, 2008 (3rd ed. 2011).
2007 Rashi and his legacy. International Conference of the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien with the City of Worms (ed. by Hanna Liss, Daniel Krochmalnik et al.; Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 10), Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 2007.
2005 Tanakh. Textbook of the Jewish Bible (Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 8), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2005.
2003 The Unheard Prophecy. Kommunikative Strukturen prophetischer Rede im Buch Yesha'yahu (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte 14), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2003.
2003 (ed.) Yagdil Tora We-Ya'adir. Gedenkschrift für Julius Carlebach (Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 5), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2003.
1997 El'azar ben Yehuda of Worms: Hilkhot ha-Kavod. The Doctrines of the Glory of God. Edition. Translation. Commentary (Texts and Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Judaism 12), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997.
2024 “Early Hebrew Printing and the Quality of Reading: A Praxeological Study”, in: Premodern Jewish Books, their Makers and Readers in an Era of Media Change, ed. by Katrin Kogman-Appel and Ilona Steimann, Brepols, Turnhout, 2024, 251–274.
2024 „Die Juden, ihre Schrift und ihre theologische Bedeutung im Mittelalter“, in: René Dausner / Christian Frevel, René W. Dausner (Hgg.), Schulter an Schulter. Ein Stu-dienbuch zur Rolle des Judentums in christlicher Theologie, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2024, 84–92.
2024 „Jüdische Bibelwissenschaft als Teil einer jüdischen Theologie“, i in: Jü-disch-christlicher Dialog. Ein Kompendium, hg. Doron Kiesel, Joachim Valentin, Christian Wiese, Freiburg u.a. 2024, 337–358 (Nachdruck von 2023/1).
2023 Jüdische Bibelwissenschaft als Teil einer jüdischen Theologie, in: Grenzgänge wissenschaftlicher Reflexivität in Judentum, Christentum und Islam, ed. by Tugrul Kurt; Felix Machka; Johannes Müller; Christoph Rogers, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2023, 145-168 (open access:
2023 For children, cantors and scholars: The Diversity of Hebrew Bible Editions in the High Middle Ages, in: Holy Texts. Verständigungen zwischen Theologie und Kulturwissenschaft, ed. by Mirja Kutzer; Ilse Müllner; Annegret Reese-Schnitker (eds.), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2023, 153-168.
2023 "Early Hebrew Printing and the Quality of Reading: A Praxeological Study", in: Premodern Jewish Books, their Makers and Readers in an Era of Media Change, ed. by Katrin Kogman-Appel and Ilona Steimann, Brepols, Turnhout, 2023, 251-274.
2023 "Masorah Re-Arranged: Eight Masoretic Lists in MS London Oriental 2091, fol. 335v", Corpus Masoreticum Working Papers 6, 2023, 36-120 ( Masorah Rearranged: Eight Masoretic Lists in MS London Oriental 2091, fol. 335v | Corpus Masoreticum Working Papers )
2023 "Between Imagination and Exegesis: The Masora Figurata Illustrations of the Two Menorot in Vatican ebr. 14", In Images - A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 16 (2023), 1-19.
2022 "'Hebraica and Gallica Veritas': The Function of the Hebrew-French Glossaries in 12th Century Jewish and Christian Exegesis", in: From Theodulf to Rashi And Beyond - Texts, Techniques, and Transfer in Western European Exegesis (800 - 1100), ed. by Johannes Heil and Sumi Shimahara, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022, 119-146.
2022 Liss, Hanna and Dörr, Stephen, "Hebrew-French Bible Glossaries and the Question of Jewish-French Cultural Exchange in the High Middle Ages: A Reevaluation," Corpus Masoreticum Working Papers 2, 2022, 22-50(Hebrew-French Bible Glossaries and the Question of Jewish-French Cultural Exchange in the High Middle Ages: A Reevaluation ).
2022 "Teaching in Tiny Letters. Eliyyah ben Berekhyah ha-Naqdan's Way of Teaching as Displayed in MS Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana ebr. 14," Corpus Masoreticum Working Papers 1, 2022, 1-20(Teaching in tiny letters ).
2021 "Die Bibel auf Französisch, oder: Wenn Bibel auf Literatur trifft", in Johannes Becke / Roland Gruschka (eds.), Sprachheimaten und Grenzgänge: Festschrift für Anat Feinberg (Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, vol. 23), Heidelberg 2021, 161-178.
2021 "Negation or transformation? Illustrative Dissolution of Masoretic Lists in a Medieval Hebrew Manuscript," in(Nicht)Wissen - Dynamiken der Negation in vormodernen Kulturen, ed. by Şirin Dadaş and Christian Vogel (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2021), 313-330.
2021 "Introduction: Editorial State of the Art of the Masoretic Corpus and Research Desiderata", in: Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts (ed. by Hanna Liss in collaboration with Jonas Leipziger; Judaism and Environment 85), Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, 2021, 7-33.
2021 "Masorah as Counter-Crusade? The Use of Masoretic List Material in MS London, British Library Or. 2091", in: Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts (ed. by Hanna Liss in collaboration with Jonas Leipziger; Judaism and Environment 85), Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, 2021, 131-175.
2019 "Wort - Klang - Bild: Zur (Un-)Übersetzbarkeit heiliger Texte im Judentum", in: Übertragungen heiliger Texte in Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Case Studies on Forms and Limits of Transposition (ed. by Katharina Heyden and Henrike Manuwald; Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zu Theologie 75), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019, 19-32.
2019 Article Masorah, Masoretes (together with Yosef Ofer and Kay Joe Petzold), in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception vol. 17 (Berlin et al.: de Gruyter 2019), 1267-1280.
2019 "'Die niedere Kritik': Das Studium der Masora zwischen Wissenschaft des Judentums und Bibelwissenschaft", in: Deutsch-jüdische Bibelwissenschaft Historische, exegetische und theologische Perspektiven (ed. by Daniel Vorpahl, Shani Tzoref and Sophia Kähler; Europäisch-jüdische Studien - Beiträge 40), Berlin: De Gruyter/Oldenbourg, 2019, 139-159 (online: "Die niedere Kritik" ).
2018 "Scepticism, Critique, and the Art of Writing: Preliminary Considerations on the Question of Textual Authority in Medieval Peshaṭ Exegesis, in: Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2018 (ed. by Bill Rebiger), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2018, 15-45 (open access: Scepticism, Critique, and the Art of Writing: Preliminary Considerations on the Question of Textual Authority in Medieval Peshaṭ Exegesis ).
2018 "Ashkenazic Bible codices as carriers of exegetical and theological secrets", in: 700 Jahre jüdische Präsenz in Tirol. Geschichte der Fragmente, Fragmente der Geschichte (ed. by Ursula Schattner-Rieser and Josef M. Oesch), Innsbruck: Innsbruck Univ. Press, 2018, 203-223.
2017 "A Pentateuch to Read in? The Secrets of the Regensburg Pentateuch", in: Jewish Manuscript Cultures. New Perspectives (ed. by Irina Wandrey, Studies in Manuscript Cultures 13), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2017, 89-128 (open access: A Pentateuch to Read in? The Secrets of the Regensburg Pentateuch ).
2017 "Die Erforschung der westeuropäischen Bibeltexttradition als Aufgabe der Jüdischen Studien" (together with Kay Joe Petzold), in: Judaistik im Wandel. Ein halbes Jahrhundert Forschung und Lehre über das Judentum in Deutschland (ed. by Andreas Lehnardt), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 189-210 (online: Exploring the Western European Biblical Textual Tradition as a Task of Jewish Studies ).
2017 "Sarah's sisters? Von alten Frauenerzählungen und modernen Frauenfragen", in: Perspektiven jüdischer Bildung Diskurse - Erkenntnisse - Positionen (edited by Doron Kiesel, Schriftenreihe der Bildungsabteilung des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland 1), Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich, 2017, 111-118.
2016 "A Pentateuch like others? The Reading Secrets of the Regensburg Pentateuch", in: Metatexte. Erzählungen von schrifttragenden Artefakten in der alttestamentlichen und mittelalterlichen Literatur (ed. by Friedrich-Emanuel Focken and Michael Ott, Materiale Textkulturen 15), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016, 299-334 (open access: Ein Pentateuch wie andere auch? ).
2016 "There is always a clever head next to it': The gloss formations in Codex Wien Hebr. 220, in: Diligens scrutator sacri elogii. Scriptural interpretation as a basic function of medieval society and history. Festschrift for Rainer Berndt SJ (ed. by Hanns Peter Neuheuser, Ralf M. W. Stammberger and Matthias M. Tischler), Münster: Aschendorff-Verlag, 2016, 53-85.
2016 "No 'German-Jewish Dialogue'? On Gershom Scholem's Concept of Jewish Totality as the Cornerstorne for Cultural Resilience", in: Catastrophes. Views from Natural and Human Sciences (ed. by Andreas Hoppe), Heidelberg/New York and others: Springer, 2016, 51-62.
2015 "Patterns of Intensification of the Laws on Ritual Purity in Medieval Jewish Ashkenaz", in: Discourses of Purity in Transcultural Perspective (300-1600) (ed. by Matthias Bley, Nikolas Jaspert and Stefan Köck), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2015, 269-281.
2015 "The Torah Scroll and its Function as a Ritual Object in Jewish Culture", in: Musical Text as Ritual Object (ed. by Hendrik Schulze), Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, 165-174.
2015 "Trialogical Perspectives: Holy Scriptures, 1. The Holy Scriptures of Judaism: the TeNaK", in: Texte - Themen - Traditionen (ed. by Clauß Peter Sajak), Braunschweig/Paderborn/Darmstadt: Schöningh, 2015, 15-20.
2015 "Die Tora im Judentum", in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie. The Protestant Educator 67, 2 (2015), 113-124.
2015 "Jüdische Studien und Jüdische Theologie in Deutschland", in: Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Islamisch-Theologische Studien 2 (2015), 173-186.
2014 "Vom Sefer Tora zum sefer: Die Bedeutung von Büchern im 'Buch der Frommen' des R. Yehuda ben Shemu'el he-Ḥasid", in: Erscheinungsformen und Handhabungen Heiliger Schriften (hg. v. Joachim Friedrich Quack and Daniela Christina Luft, Materiale Textkulturen 5), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014, 179-199 (open access: Vom Sefer Tora zum sefer: Die Bedeutung von Büchern im 'Buch der Frommen' des R. Yehuda ben Shemu'el he-Chasid ).
2015 "No Holy Scripture? Questions about Martin Buber's principle of orality", in: 50 Jahre Martin Buber Bibel. International Symposium of the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg and the Martin Buber Society (ed. by Daniel Krochmalnik and Hans-Joachim Werner), Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2014, 215-230.
2015 "Hebraica Veritas? Jewish biblical interpretation, scientific biblical research and the old-new question of its communication", in: Gottes Wort in Menschenwort. Die eine Bibel als Fundament der Theologie (ed. by Karl Cardinal Lehmann and Ralf Rothenbusch, Quaestiones Disputatae 266), Freiburg et al: Herder 2014, 337-356.
2013 "'Like a Camel Carrying Silk:' Initial Considerations on the Use of the Masorah in Medieval Hebrew Commentaries", in: Envisioning Judaism: Studies in Honor of Peter Schäfer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday (ed. by Ra'anan Boustan, Klaus Herrmann, Reimund Leicht, Annette Yoshiko Reed and Giuseppe Veltri), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013, 1121-1137.
2013 "Und auch meine Shabbate gab ich Ihnen", in: Beschneidung: Das Zeichen des Bundes in der Kritik. Zur Debatte um das Kölner Urteil (ed. by Johannes Heil and Stephan J. Kramer), Berlin: Metropol, 2012, 51-60.
2012 "Die Welt als Schöpfung: Zwischen Urknall und Gottes Wort?", in: Kulturelle Grundlagen Europas. Grundbegriffe (ed. by Wolfgang Kraus and Bernd Schröder), Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2012, 13-23.
2012 "Ritual Purity in Jewish Lore and Law", in: How Purity is Made (ed. by Petra Rösch and Udo Simon), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012, 141-161.
2012 "Scholarly knowledge, drôlerie or esotericism? First reflections on the Masorah of the Hebrew Bible in its different material forms in the High Middle Ages", in: Jewish Lifeworlds and Jewish Thought. Festschrift presented to Karl E. Grözinger on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday (ed. by Nathanael Riemer), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012, 27-40.
2011 "Jewish theology? Reflections on Leopold Z.", in: Mussaf. Magazin der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 1 (2011), 20-21.
2011 "Introduction to Walter Jacob", in: Walter Jacob, Benno Jacob. Kämpfer und Gelehrter (Jüdische Miniaturen 115), Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich, 2011, 7-12.
2011 "'Religionsgeschichte' and its Challenge to Jewish Bible Scholars in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century", in: Hermann Gunkel revisited: Literatur- und religionsgeschichtliche Studien (ed. Ute E. Eisen and Erhard S. Gerstenberger), Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2010, 149-170 (published 2011).
2010 "'Of Mice and Men and Blood:' The Laws of Ritual Purity in the Hebrew Bible", in: Literary Construction of Identity in the Ancient World. Proceedings of the Conference Literary Fiction and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Literatures: Options and Limits of Modern Literary Approaches in the Exegesis of Ancient texts (ed. by Hanna Liss and Manfred Oeming), Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2010, 199-213.
2010 "Judaistische Mediävistik: Neue Methoden an alten Texten", in: Jüdische Studien als Disziplin - die Disziplinen der Jüdischen Studien. Festschrift der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg, 1979-2009 (ed. by Johannes Heil and Daniel Krochmalnik, Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 13), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2010, 23-41.
2009 "Die subversive Kraft der Auslegung", in: Die Juden: eine unbekannte Nation (ed. by John D. Pattillo-Hess and Mario R. Smole), Vienna: Löcker Verlag, 2009, 107-116.
2009 "Shall the bells ring again? The description of the priestly garments in Ex 28 and the hermeneutics of their 'old-new' reconstructions", in: Trumah 18 (2008/9), 1-22.
2008 "The Destructive Potential of the Holy and its 'Taming' by the Torah", in: How Dangerous is the Holy Spirit? Order - Spirit - Anarchy (ed. by Katharina von Bremen, Conference Proceedings - Institute for Church and Society), Schwerte: Inst. für Kirche und Gesellschaf, 2008, 27-40.
2008 "Ritual Purity and the Construction of Identity - the Literary Function of the Laws of Purity in the Book of Leviticus", in: The Books of Leviticus and Numbers (ed. by Thomas Römer, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 215), Leuven/Paris/Deudley, MA: Peeters Publishers, 2008, 329-354.
2008 "Commenting as Narrating: Narrativity and Literariness in the Torah Commentary of Rashbam', in FJB 34/35 (2008), 91-122.
2007 "The Commentary on the Song of Songs Attributed to R. Samuel ben Meïr (Rashbam)", in: Medieval Jewish Studies online 1 (2007/8), 1-27 (open access: Home ).
2007 "Peshat Interpretation and Narrative Theory using the Example of Rashbam", in: Raschi und sein Erbe. International Conference of the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien with the City of Worms (ed. by Hanna Liss and Daniel Krochmalnik et al., Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Vol. 10), Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 2007, 101-124.
2007 "Das Problem des eifernden Mannes: Das Eifer-Ordal in der biblischen Überlieferung und in der jüdischen Tradition", in: Behutsames Lesen. Old Testament exegesis in interdisciplinary methodological discourse. Christof Hardmeier on his 65th birthday (edited by Sylke Lubs, Louis Jonker, Andreas Ruwe and others, Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte 28), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007, 197-215.
2006 "'Describe the Temple to the House of Israel': Preliminary remarks on the Temple Vision in the Book of Ezekiel and the Question of Fictionality in Priestly Literatures", in: Utopia and Dystopia in Prophetic Literature (ed. by Ehud Ben Zvi, Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 92), Helsinki/Göttingen: Finish Exegetial Society/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006, 122-143.
2006 "The Imaginary Sanctuary: The Priestly Code as an example of fictional literature in the Hebrew Bible", in Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period (ed. by Oded Lipschits and Mandfred Oeming), Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns, 2006, 663-689.
2006 "The Innocent King: King Saul in Rabbinic Exegesis", in: Saul in Story and Tradition (ed. by Carl S. Ehrlich and Marsha C. White, Forschungen zum Alten Testament 47), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006, 245-260.
2004 "Canon and Fiction. Zur literarischen Funktion biblischer Rechtstexte", in: Biblische Notizen NF 121 (2004), 7-38.
2004 "The Concept of the Holy One in First Isaiah and in the Priestly Code", in: Scriptura 87: Festschrift Yehoshua Gitay (2004), 288-295.
2004 "'Das Erbe ihrer Väter': Die deutsch-jüdische Bibelwissenschaft im 19. und 20. Jh. und der Streit um die Hebräische Bibel", in: מה טוב חלקנו. How good is our share. Commemorative publication for Yehuda T. Radday (ed. by Daniel Krochmalnik and Magdalena Schultz, Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 6), Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 2004, 21-36.
2004 "Der biblische Gottesname in der religionsgeschichtlichen Debatte. Jewish exegesis between the fronts using the example of Benno Jacob", in: Trumah 13 (2004), 69-102.
2004 "The Renaissance of Benno Jacob. On the modern reception of Benno Jacob using the example of the volume of essays 'Die Exegese hat das erste Wort'. Beiträge zu Leben und Werk Benno Jacobs, edited by Walter Jacob and Almuth Jürgensen, Stuttgart 2002, 200 pp.", in: Trumah 13 (2004), 141-153.
2003 "'Scripture without tradition? - Einige Aspekte zum Verständnis der Bibel im jüdischen Italien des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts", in: An der Schwelle zur Moderne. Jews in the Renaissance (ed. by Giuseppe Veltri and Annette Winkelmann, Studies in European Judaism 7), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2003, 51-77.
2003 "German-Jewish Symbiosis? Reconsidering Gershom Scholem", in: LTQ 38 (2003), 53-63.
2003 "Entkontextualisierung als Programm: Die Bedeutung des göttlichen Namens bei Franz Rosenzweig und die pronominal 'Er-Setzung' des Tetragramms", in: Jewish Studies Between the Disciplines. Jewish Studies Between the Disciplines. Papers in Honor of Peter Schäfer on the Occasion of bis 60th Birthday (ed. by Klaus Herrmann, Margarete Schlüter and Guiseppe Veltri), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2003, 373-404.
2003 "Holy Men? Prophetic Arrogance from a 'Rabbinic-Critical' Perspective", in: Yagdil Tora We-Ya'adir. Gedenkschrift für Julius Carlebach (ed. by Hanna Liss, Schriften der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 5), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2003, 129-145.
2003 "Jewish Bible Scholars in the19th and Early20th Century and the Debate on the Hebrew Bible", in: LTQ 37 (2002), 129-144.
2003 "'The Sins of the Prophets': Biblical Characters through Rabbinic Lenses", in: LTQ 37 (2002), 197-213.
2002 "The Undisclosed Speech: Patterns of Communication in the Book of Isaiah", in: The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4,4 (2002), 1-51 (open access:
2002 "From Mar Samuel to David Hoffmann (1844-1921): Biographical Mirrorings of an Orthodox Life', in: EAJS Newsletter Issue 12 (2002), 19-23.
2001 "Die Offenbarung Gottes in der mittelalterlichen Bibel- und Gebetsauslegung", in: Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte 13, 1998 (2001), 271-292.
2000 "'It is not Permitted to Ponder the Deeper Meaning of the Verse': an Interpretation of the Merkava-Vision in Ezekiel 1, according to the Commentaries of Rabbi Shelomo Jitzchaqi (Rashi) and Rabbi Eli'ezer of Beaugency", in: Jewish Studies Quarterly 7 (2000), 42-64.
1999 "Ars Rhetorica as Peshat? Jewish biblical interpretation in the Renaissance using the example of Juda Messer Leon and Asaria de Rossi", in: Trumah 9 (1999), 103-124.
1999 "Offenbarung und Weitergabe des göttlichen Namens und die Rezeption priesterlicher Traditionen im Sefer ha-Shem des R. El'asar ben Yehuda von Worms", in: FJB 26 (1999), 25-50.
1998 "Die Funktion der 'Verstockung' Pharaos in der Erzählung vom Auszug aus Ägypten (Ex 7-14)", in: Biblische Notizen 93 (1998), 56-76.
1997 "Die Fabel des Yotam in Ri 9,8-15: Versuch einer strukturellen Deutung", in: Biblische Not izen 89 (1997), 12-18.
1996 "The Conflict of Balaam. Misdirections in the Chess Novella by Stefan Zweig" (together with B. Landthaler), in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik 2 (1996), 384-398.
1996 "Wie eine fliegende Schriftrolle: Pseudo-El'asar-Traditionen in den Hilkhot ha-Kavod des El'asar ben Yehuda von Worms", in: FJB 23 (1996), 23-54.
1994 "Copyright in the Middle Ages? Die esoterischen Schriften von R. El'asar von Worms zwischen Traditions- und Autorenliteratur", in: FJB 21 (1994), 81-108.
2021 BIMA 2.1
Corpus Masoreticum (accessed 04/2024).
2021- Recordings of public lectures: multimedia
2011 Audio recordings of the conference "Kollektive Traumaerfahrung und kulturelle Resilienz, Rekonstruktion ritualdynamischer Prozesse in Kulturen der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart", Traumatagung 2011.
--- DFG Science TV, "The World of Rituals: Purity Rituals in Medieval Judaism":
2019 Art. "Masorah, Masoretes: I.B. Judaism: Medieval Ashkenaz; II. Visual Arts" (together with Kay Joe Petzold), in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, vol. 17 (ed. by Christine Helmer et al.), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2019, 1274-1280 (online: Masorah, Masoretes ).
2017 Art. "Nachmanides", in: Kindler Kompakt: Philosophie des Mittelalters (ed. by Andreas Speer), Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 123-124.
2015 Art. "Tanakh", in: Encyclopaedia of Jewish History and Culture, Vol. 6: T-Z (ed. by Dan Diner), Stuttgart/Weimar: B. Metzler, 2015, 26-31.
2013 Art. "Eleazar ben Judah of Worms ", in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Vol. 7: D-E (ed. Hans-Josef Klauck et al.), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2013, 609-612.
2009 Art. "Rashi", in: WiBiLex. Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (ed. by Michaela Bauks et al.), Raschi -
2009 Art. "Ibn Ezra, Abraham" in: WiBiLex . Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (ed. by Michaela Bauks et al.), Ibn Esra, Abraham - .
2009 Art. "Parshanut" in: WiBiLex. Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (ed. by Michaela Bauks et al.), Parshanut - .
2009 Art. "Peschat-Auslegung" in: WiBiLex . Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (ed. by Michaela Bauks et al.),
2008 Art. "Tradition: II.2. Judaism", in: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Vol. 8 (ed. by Hans Dieter Betz et al.), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 4th, completely reedited ed. 2005, 506.
2006 "Rabbi's Bible / Miqraot Gedolot" in: WiBiLex. Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet (ed. by Michaela Bauks et al.), Rabbinerbibel / Miqraot Gedolot -
2000 Art. "Herrlichkeit Gottes: II. Judentum", in: Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Vol. 3 (ed. by Hans Dieter Betz et al.), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 4th, completely revised ed. 2000, 1682-1683.
2021 Isaac Kalimi, The Battle for the Bible. Jewish Interpretation, Sectarianism and Polemics from the Temple to the Talmud and Beyond, Jüdische Religion, Geschichte und Kultur 26 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020).
2020 Sara Japhet and Barry Dov Walfish, The Way of Lovers: The Oxford Anonymous Commentary on the Song of Songs (Bodleian Library, MS Opp. 625). An Edition of the Hebrew Text, with English Translation and Introduction . (Commentaria 8.) Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017. pp. xii, 274; 12 black-and-white plates. $121. ISBN: 978-9-0043-4319-1. in: Speculum 96/1 (January 2021) 228-230.
2013 Language Consciousness and Language Concepts in the Ancient Near East, the Old Testament and Rabbinic Judaism. Edited by J. Thon, G. Veltri and E.-J. Waschke (Halle 2012, Center for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies, Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte, Heft 30/12, VI + 248 pp. Pb. € 12,00), in: ZAW 125,3 (2013), 542.
2013 Haeberli, Simone, The Jewish scholar in the Middle Ages. Christliche Imaginationen zwischen Idealisierung und Dämonisierung, Mittelalterforschungen (ed. B. Schneidmüller; S. Weinfurter), vol. 32, Jan Thorbecke Verlag 2010, 332 p., 16 ill., in: Trumah 21 (2013), 119-121.
2013 Haeberli, Simone, The Jewish scholar in the Middle Ages. Christliche Imaginationen zwischen Idealisierung und Dämonisierung, Mittelalterforschungen (ed. B. Schneidmüller; S. Weinfurter), vol. 32, Jan Thorbecke Verlag 2010, 332 p., 16 ill., in: Historische Zeitschrift 295, 1 (2012), 166-168.
2011 Collective review: Sefer Shimmush Tehillim. Buch vom magischen Gebrauch der Psalmen, edition, translation and commentary, edited by Bill Rebiger, Text and Studies in Ancient Judaism 137, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck 2010, 359 pp. and 117* pp. (Hebrew); Salzer, Dorothea M., Die Magie der Anspielung. Form and Function of Biblical Allusions in the Magical Texts of the Cairo Geniza, Text and Studies in Ancient Judaism 134, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck 2010, 527 p.; Rachel Elior - Peter Schäfer (eds.), Creation and Re-Creation in Jewish Thought. Festschrift in Honor of Joseph Dan on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck 2005, 415 pp. and 264* pp. (Hebrew), in: Trumah 21 (2013), 119-121.
2011 Ran HaCohen, Reclaiming the Hebrew Bible. German-Jewish Reception of Biblical Criticism (Berlin/New York, NY 2010, Walter de Gruyter, 250 p., hardcover € 89,95), in: ZAW 123,3 (2011), 468.
2010 Hollender, Elisabeth, Piyyut Commentary in Medieval Ashkenaz, in: FJB 35 (2009), 162-168.
2008 Watts, James W., Ritual and Rhetoric in Leviticus. From Sacrifice to Scripture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007, 257p., in: SBL/RBL; online publication.
2008 Otfried Fraisse, Moses Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on the Song of Songs and its Poetological-Philosophical Program. Synoptische Edition, Übersetzung und Analyse, Studia Judaica XXV, Berlin - New York, De Gruyter 2004, in: Trumah 17 (2008), 229-231.
2008 Predigt und Derascha: Homiletische Textlektüre im Dialog mit dem Judentum. By Alexander Deeg. (Studies in Pastoral Theology, Liturgics and Hymnology 48). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006. pp. 608. Paperback. €78.90. ISBN 3-525-62390-9, in: Journal for the Study of Judaism 39 (2008), 395-398.
2007 מקראות גדולות The Commentators' Bible. The JPS Miqra'ot Gedolot. Exodus שמות. Edited, translated, and annotated by Michael Carasik, 2005 ▪ 5765, 349 p., in: Trumah 16 (2007), 197-200.
2006 Elsie R. Stern, From Rebuke to Consolation. Exegesis and Theology in the Liturgical Anthology of the Ninth of Av Season, Brown Judaic Studies 338, Providence, RI 2004, 216 p., in: SBL/RBL; online publication.
2005 The Jewish Study Bible, ed. by Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, 2181 p., in: EAJS Newsletter 2005.
2005 Robert A. Harris, Discerning Parallelism. A Study in Northern French Medieval Jewish Biblical Exegesis, Brown Judaic Studies, Providence/RI 2004, 139 p., in: SBL/RBL; online publication.
2005 Marvin A. Sweeney, Zephaniah. A Commentary. Hermeneia - A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible, Ed. by P. D. Hanson, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, Hardcover 2003, 226 p., 47$, in: Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 23,4 (2005), 179-182.
2004 Of Scribes and Sages: Early Jewish Interpretation and Transmission of Scripture, Volume 2: Later Versions and Traditions, ed. by Craig. E. Evans, London - New York: T&T Clark International 2004, 185p., in: SBL/RBL; online publication.
2004 The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies, edited by Martin Goodman, Associated Editors Jeremy Cohen and David Sorkin, Oxford: University Press 2002, 1037 p., 120 $, in: SBL/RBL; online publication.
2004 With Reverence for the Word; Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Ed. by Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Barry D. Walfish, and Joseph W. Goering. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, 488 p., in: EAJS Newsletter 2004.
2004 Christian Eberhart, Studies on the Significance of Sacrifice in the Old Testament. Die Signifikanz von Blut- und Verbrennungsriten im kultischen Rahmen, wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 94, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2002, in: Trumah 14 (2004), 199-202.
2004 Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The History of Its Interpretation. Vol. I: From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (Until 1300),Ed. by Magne Sæbø, Part 2: The Middle Ages, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2000, in: Trumah 14 (2004), 202-205.
2003 R. Mark Shipp, Of Dead King and Dirges. Myth and Meaning in Isaiah 14:4b-21, Society of Biblical Literature, Academia Biblica 11, ed. by. Saul M. Olyan and Mark Allan Powell, Atlanta 2002, in: SBL/RBL; online publication.
2003 Gerold Necker, The Book of Life. Edition, Übersetzung und Studien, Texts and Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Judaism 16, Tübingen Mohr Siebeck 2001, 222 p., 78* p., 2 ill., in: Trumah 13 (2003), 285-288.
2001 Dirk U. Rottzoll, Abraham Ibn Ezra's Long Commentary on the Book of Exodus, 2 vols, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York 2000, in: Trumah 11 (2001), 167-169.
2001 Studies in Jewish Manuscripts, ed. by. Joseph Dan and Klaus Herrmann, Texts and Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Judaism 14, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1999, in: Aschkenas. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden 11,2 (2001), 541-542.
2001 Ephraim Kanarfogel, "Peering through the Lattices". Mystical, Magical, and Pietistic Dimensions in the Tosafist Period, in: Aschkenas. Journal of Jewish History and Culture 11.2 (2001), 552-553.
2000 תורה. The Torah in Jewish Interpretation (Heb.-dt.), edited by W. Gunther Plaut. Authorized translation and editing by Annette Böckler, with an introduction by Rabbi Walter Homolka, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 1999, in: Trumah 10 (2000), 161-164.
1999 Dirk Uwe Rottzoll, Abraham Ibn Ezra's Commentaries on the Books of Kohelet, Esther and Ruth, Studia Judaica XII, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York 1999, in: Biblische Notizen 99 (1999), 14-19.
1999 Benno Jacob, Das Buch Exodus, edited on behalf of the Leo Baeck Institute by Shlomo Mayer with the collaboration of Joachim Hahn and Almuth Jürgensen, Stuttgart, Calwer Verlag 1997, in: Trumah 9 (1999), 197-201.
1997 Giuseppe Veltri, Magic and Halakha. Ansätze zu einem empirischen Wissenschaftsbegriff im spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Judentum, Tübingen 1997, in: Trumah 7 (1997), 170-174.
2021 "Recognition instead of embrace. Why Jewish Studies has no place at the Institute for Old Testament Studies", in: Jüdische Allgemeine from 20/2021, May 21, 2021, 19.
2020 Deuteronomy 34:1-8: Moses and the readers on the way to the land, in: Sermon meditations in a Christian-Jewish context. On the pericope series 3 Plus. Jewish theologians interpret the Bible. The new Old Testament texts of series 3, Studium in Israel, Berlin 2020, lxiv-lxix.
2019 "Fierce debates: Eastern European scholars and their approach to German-Protestant biblical research", in: Jüdische Illustrierte. Publishing supplement of the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 24 (2019), 18-19.
2019 "Seder als Kuriosität" (together with Bruno Landthaler), in: Jüdische Allgemeine from 23.04.2019, online: Seder als Kuriosität.
2018 "Telling in order to survive. Linguistic forms of coping with memory in biblical literatures", in: Jüdische Illustrierte. Publishing supplement of the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien 20 (2018), 10-11, online:
2017 "'Akademische Verkirchlichung' - Was ist dran am Traum von der Fakultät der Theologien? A contribution to the discussion" (together with Johannes Heil), in: Jüdische Allgemeine from 16.03.2017, online: "Akademische Verkirchlichung".
2017 "Word pictures: The art project 'GALGAL' stages medieval Bible manuscripts in the synagogue of Worms", in: Jüdische Illustrierte. Publishing Supplement Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies 14/15 (2017), 15-16 (with J. Leipziger, E. Westermeier).
2017 "No future without...", in: 95 Anschläge: Theses for the Future (ed. by Friederike von Bünau and Hauke Hückstädt), Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 232-234.
2016 "Judaism. Sacred Texts and Ornamental Commentary", in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial: Die Magie der Schrift 3 (2016), 72-77.
2016 "Bibelkritik und Antisemitismus", in: Jüdische Allgemeine from 14.07.2016, online:
2015 "Missing the point. A Jewish perspective on the controversy surrounding Notger Slenczka and the Old Testament", in: Zeitzeichen. Evangelische Kommentare zu Religion und Gesellschaft 9 (2015), 42-44.
2011 "Rabbi training: A lesson in integration", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 26.01.2011, p. N5 (Nature and Science), no. 222 / page 33.
2003 "Headscarf and Kipa. The German approach to other religions", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24.09.2003, No. 222 / page 33.
2002 Habilitation and venia legendi in Jewish Studies/Judaic Studies, Institute for Art, Oriental and Classical Studies, martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
1995 Doctorate (Dr. phil.), Institute for Jewish Studies/Free University Berlin (FU), Germany, supervisor of the dissertation: Profs. Peter Schäfer, Berlin, Prof. Joseph Dan, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Current position
Member of the Faculty of Philosophy at Heidelberg University since 2015 (co-opted)
since 2003 Tenured Professor of Bible and Jewish Exegesis, University of Jewish Studies, Heidelberg, Germany
Previous positions
2014 Call to the University of Potsdam (declined)
1997-2002 Assistant Professor of Bible and Jewish Exegesis, Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
2002 Moosnick Distinguished Visiting Professorship for Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies at Lexington Theological Seminary, lexington, KY
Scholarships and awards
2022- 2023 Senior Research Fellow at the Maimonides Center for Advanced Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany
2022 Appointment as a full member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2017/2018 Senior Research Fellow at the Maimonides Center for Advanced Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany
2017 Franz Rosenzweig Visiting Professor at the University of Kassel, Germany
2012 Member of AcademiaNET, Robert Bosch Stiftung - specialized database for outstanding female scientists, nominated by the german Research Foundation (DFG)
2008/2009 Alfried Krupp Senior Fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald, Germany
2005 Yad Hanadiv Beracha Foundation Visiting Fellowship in Jewish Studies for a research project on Yosef Qara, Hebrew university, Israel (declined due to parental leave)
2003 Harry Starr Research Fellow in Judaica, Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge/MA, USA
1992 Doctoral scholarship from the State of Berlin ("Law for the Promotion of Young Academics and Artists", NaFÖG)
Scientific projects
2023-2040 Academy project Bible glossaries as hidden cultural carriers: Jewish-French Cultural Exchange in the High Middle Ages, funded by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities;
2020-2024 Biblia Rabbinica: Der Bibeltext in der rabbinischen Literatur - Erfassung der Textvarianten anhand der babylonisch-jemenitischen Texttradition; funded by the German Research Foundation GRF (renewal application submitted)
2018-2029 Long-term project Corpus Masoreticum: The Inculturation of the Masora in Western European Jewish Learning Culture from the 11th to 14th century. Digital indexing of a forgotten knowledge culture; funded by the German Research Foundation GRF;
Institutional responsibilities (selection)
Faculty member of the Faculty of Philosophy at Heidelberg University since 2015 (co-opted)
since 2003 Faculty member of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
2020-2024 Member of the Research Council Field of Focus III: Cultural Dynamics in Globalized Worlds, Heidelberg University
2019 -2023 2nd Chairwoman of the Fachverband Judaistik/ Jüdische Studien/ Jüdische Theologie in Deutschland e.V./ German Association for Jewish Studies and Jewish Theology
2014/15 Dean of Studies, Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
2013-2020 Member of the Board of the Collaborative Research Center 933 Material Text Cultures. Materiality and Presence of Writing in Non-Typographic Societies, Heidelberg University/Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies
2012-2020 Member of the Review Board 106 Social and Cultural Anthropology, Non-European Cultures, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies , department 106-05 Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, German Research Foundation
2011 Founding member of the Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage, Heidelberg University
2011 Founding member of the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg
since 2006 Advisory Board Studies in Jewish History and Culture, Brill Verlag
2005/06 Vice-Rector of the Heidelberg University for Jewish Studies
Expert activities (selection)
since 2010 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; German Research Foundation (DFG); European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS); Fritz- Thyssen Foundation; German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF); Israel Science Foundation (ISF); European Journal of Jewish Studies; Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche
Memberships in scientific associations
since 2015 Founding member of the Abraham Berlin Center for the Study of the Textual and Exegetical Traditions of the Hebrewbible at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
since 1997 Member, German Society for Jewish Studies, Germany
since 2006 Member, Association of Medievalists in Germany, Germany
since 2003 Member of the World Union of Jewish Studies, Israel
since 2003 Member, European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS)
Institutional cooperations
since 2022 Ktiv The International Collection of Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts, Jerusalem, Israel
since 2021 Lessico Etimologico ItalianoAcademyof Sciences and Literature, Mainz, Germany
since 2021 eScriptorium; Paris, France
since 2017 Heidelberg University Library; Heidelberg, Germany
since 2019 Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français; Heidelberg, Germany