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Christopher Decker M.A.

Christopher Decker
Research assistant at the Ignatz Bubis Endowed Chair for the History, Religion and Culture of European Jewry

Christopher Decker

March 2024

Research stay at the German Archaeological Institute Rome

Since 2023

Doctorate (continued)

Princeps and monarch. The demonstration of imperial rank and the dynamics of senatorial honor in the 1st century AD

University of Heidelberg


Doctorate (beginning)

Princeps and monarch. The demonstration of imperial rank and the dynamics of senatorial honor in the 1st century AD

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich


Master's degree program in History (focus on Ancient and Medieval History)

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich



German Historical Institute Rome


Bachelor's degree in History and German Studies

Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg/Università degli Studi di Siena

Scientific employment

Since April 2023

Academic assistant at the Ignatz Bubis Endowed Chair (Assistant Prof. Dr. Johannes Heil)

Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies

Since April 2023

Academic assistant at the Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy (Assistant Prof. Dr. Christian Witschel)

University of Heidelberg


Research assistant

Historical College Munich


Research assistant at the New German Biography (NDB)

Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities


Research assistant at the Chair of Russian/Asian Studies

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich


Student assistant at the Diocesan Archive Würzburg

(Collaboration on the exhibition: "Julius Echter - The controversial prince-bishop")

Summer semester 2024

Depictions of extreme violence in Thucydides and Tacitus (source exercise)

Alterity, Stereotypes and Enemy Images - Perceptions of Judaism in Antiquity and Modernity (together with Lukas Stadler, M.A.)

Winter semester 2023/24

Rulers with kid gloves or an iron hand? The Flavian dynasty (proseminar)

Winter semester 2023/24 (together with Prof. Dr. Johannes Heil): Jerusalem, Alexandria and Rome from Pompey to Hadrian (advanced seminar/source exercise)

Summer semester 2023: A terribly crazy family? - Image and rule of the Iulian-Claudian dynasty in the early Principate (proseminar)

  • Political Cultural History of the Roman Republic and Imperial Period
  • Representation of power by the Roman emperors
  • Judaism in antiquity
  • Self-perception and external perception of ancient societies
  • Ancient research on violence

  • Spokesperson for the doctoral program in Classical Studies at the Munich Center for Ancient Worlds
  • Association of Historians in Germany (VHD)
  • Mommsen Society (junior member)


  • Bätz, Alexander: Nero. Madness and Reality. Hamburg 2023 , ISBN 978-3-498-00686-0,, In: H-Soz-Kult, 28.08.2023, <
  • Ptolemy, Caligula and the foreign abolla - New reflections on the end of the last Mauritanian king, in: Klio 105, 2023, 236-257.
  • Together with Marius Hirschfeld, "Curtius, Ludwig", in Neue Deutsche Biographie - Online Version (expected 2024).
  • Imperator Caius Caesar Augustus Germanicus? - Remarks on the Arval Acts of the Year 40 AD (to be published in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik)

  • Between Menorah and Eagle: Ben Hur, Introductory lecture to the lecture and film series 'Antike im Film', Gloria-Kino Heidelberg, July 02, 2024.
  • Die Monarchisierung des princeps - Die Demonstration des kaiserlichen Ranges im 1. Jahrhundert AD, 2nd Young Members Meeting of the Mommsen Society, Göttingen 20-21.06.2024.
  • Tiberius as a paradoxical Princeps?-The necessity of imperial action in communication with the Roman Senate, Der Römische Prinzipat als Paradoxie. Interdisciplinary approaches to a special monarchy (workshop/conference), Konstanz 05.-06.10.2023.
  • The visualization of senatorial honour and the representation of imperial rule in the 1st century AD, Competition among (un)equals in the Roman Principate (DFG project of the Department of Ancient History at the University of Hanover), Hanover 04 September 2023.
  • Fools dressed in purple? Ambivalences in the valuation of wealth among senators and freedmen in the 1st century AD, "Non aes sed fides": Trust in money from antiquity to the 20th century (workshop/conference), Munich 29.06-01.07.2023.