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Dissertation Project

Jewish religious education is always about the relationship of the "religious" to a distinct social factor, which is why learning processes must also be reflected in the context of religious traditions and a social environment. In Jewish religious education, the subjective identity formation of pupils is to be described in this context. In the dissertation, this subject reference of the learning process between sociality and religion is to be theoretically located.


The Chair of Jewish Religious Education is also in intensive dialogue with Protestant, Catholic and Muslim religious educators and is actively involved in the following projects:

Transfer project "Sharing Worldviews: Learning in Encounter for common Values in Diversity", previously docked at the Heidelberg University of Education, in future supervised by Aristotle University Thessaloniki.

Religious Education Dialogues between Jews, Christians and Muslims, which offer an annual teacher training course.

Member of the consultation group in the project "Psalms in Jewish and Christian Religious Education. Exploring Jewish and Christian biblical-cultural heritage through dialogue", Centre for Jewish Cultural History (ZJK) Salzburg - University College of Teacher Education (KPH) Vienna/Krems

Counselling in the project Children and Religion. Qualitative explorations in a European context, conducted by Prof. Dr Susanne Schwarz (University of Koblenz-Landau), Dr Ulrike Witten (MLU Halle-Wittenbaerg), Dr Elisabeth Arweck (University of Warwick), PD Dr Stefanie Lorenzen (University of Bern), Prof. Dr Helena Stockinger (KU Linz/LMU Munich).