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Dr. Sabine Arndt

Post-doc, Bible glossaries

Dr. Sabine Arndt

Book (edited):

Crossing Borders: Hebrew Manuscripts as a Meeting-place of Cultures (Oxford, 2009) [with P. van Boxel], 134 pp.

Monograph in preparation:

Judah ha-Cohen and the Emperor’s philosopher: Dynamics of Transmission at Cultural Crossroads (Oxford, 2025)


‘The Handling of Diagrams in Medieval Scientific Manuscript Transmission: The Sefer ha-marʾim le-Eqlides and its First Proposition’, in E. Baumgarten et al. (ed.), Perception and Awareness: Artefacts and Imageries in Medieval European Jewish Cultures (Turnhout, 2024).

‘Science as a Meeting-place of Cultures: The Court of Emperor Frederick II and Judah ben Solomon ha-Kohen’s Midrash ha-Hokhmah’, in P. van Boxel and S. Arndt (ed.), Crossing Borders: Hebrew Manuscripts as a Meeting-place of Cultures (Oxford, 2009), 85-98.

‘A Pious Ode ‘To Joy’’, in Studia Rosenthaliana 38/39 (2006), 266-267.


Backhaus, F. (ed.), ‘Die Frankfurter Judengasse. Jüdisches Leben in der frühen Neuzeit’, in Forschung Frankfurt 4/2006, 94 [in German].

‘Between Translation and Commentary: the Function of Old French in Medieval Hebrew Bible Glossaries’, Les textes allographes français et italiens au moyen âge, Heidelberg, Germany, 2024.

‘Lost in Translation: The Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew Versions of Pseudo-Euclid's Book of Mirrors’, Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, 2023.

‘Copying Mistakes or Mistaken Copyists: On the Interplay Between Text and Diagrams in the Sefer ha-Mar’im’, Leeds International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK, 2022.

‘The Transmission of Texts and Diagrams in Sefer ha-Mar’im’, Digital Workshop Hebrew Mathematics: New Perspectives for Editions and Terminological Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2021.

‘'The Diagrams were Incomplete and I did not Want to Copy Them ...’: Mathematical Optics in Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts’, Conference Visual and Material in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Culture, Münster, Germany, 2017.

‘Mathematics in an Intercultural Exchange: The Correspondence Between Judah ben Solomon ha-Cohen and the Emperor’s Philosopher’, Conference The Medieval Mediterranean: Cultural, Religious and Economic Exchanges, Leeds, UK, 2017.

‘Science and Scientists at Cultural Crossroads: The Midrash ha-Hokhmah of Judah ben Solomon ha-Cohen’. Symposium The Medieval Hebrew Manuscript Today, New York City, USA, 2013.

‘The Oldest Hebrew Encyclopaedia of Science and its (Missing) Diagrams’. Workshop Medieval Manuscripts: Visual Layout and Cognitive Content in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Budapest, Hungary, 2012.

‘Science as a Meeting-Place of Cultures’, Lecture Series 'Crossing Borders', Oxford, UK, 2010.

Curriculum Vitae

08/2016 University of Oxford. Doctor of Philosophy in Oriental Studies Thesis title: Judah ha-Cohen and the Emperor’s philosopher: Dynamics of Transmission at Cultural Crossroads
10/2005 University of Amsterdam. Master of Arts in Semitic Languages and Cultures (specialisation Hebrew, Aramaic and Jewish Studies; minor subjects: Arabic language and literature; Jewish philosophy)


03/2023 – present Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Postdoctoral research fellow in the project Bible Glossaries as Hidden Cultural Carriers
05/2016 – 03/2023 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster
Since 10/2018 Course co-ordinator, postdoctoral research and teaching fellow at the Institute for Jewish Studies
05/2016 – 09/2018 Postdoctoral research fellow in the project The Visual in the Medieval Jewish World
12/2009 – 09/2014 Bodleian Libraries, Oxford. Project manager of the Genizah Digitization Project
03/2009 – 11/2009 Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Co-curator of the exhibition Crossing Borders: Hebrew Manuscripts as a Meeting-place of Cultures at the Bodleian Libraries
10/2007 – 01/2009 Justus Liebig University, Gießen. Lecturer at the Institute for Protestant Theology (subject: Judaism in Late Antiquity)
11/2005 – 12/2008 Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. Research assistant in the research group Knowledge Culture and Social Change
10/2004 – 09/2005 Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, Amsterdam. Cataloguer of early Hebrew printed books
Honours and Awards  
01/2011 AHRC Doctoral Studentship awarded by the British Arts & Humanities Research Counsel
01/2011 Scatcherd European Scholarship awarded by the University of Oxford
01/2006 Scriptieprijs (=dissertation award) awarded by the foundation ‘Friends of the Juda Palache Institute’
Professional Memberships
Association for Jewish Studies
European Association for Jewish Studies