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Foto Lehrstuhlteam Prof. Klein


Chair holder and staff

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Chair of the History of the Jewish People

Prof. Dr. Rabb. Birgit Klein

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Research assistant
Chair of the History of the Jewish People

David Lüllemann M. A.

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Research Assistant
Assistant to the Dean of Studies
BMBF project “Educational game Joseph Süß Oppenheimer” at the Chair for the History of the Jewish People

Dr. Désirée Schostak

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Research Associate
Project “Provenance Research” at the Chair for the History of the Jewish People

Philipp Zschommler M.A.

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Research Assistant
BMBF project “Educational game Joseph Süß Oppenheimer” at the Chair for the History of the Jewish People

Judith M. Damian Mag. theol.

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Research Assistant
BMBF project “Educational game Joseph Süß Oppenheimer” at the Chair for the History of the Jewish People

Jessica Hösel M.A.

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Student assistant
Chair for the History of the Jewish People

Lara Stumpf

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Student Assistant
BMBF-Project "Lernspiel Jud Süß"

Martha Fiedelak

[Übersetzen nach: English]
Student assistant
Project »Erbenermittlung zu NS-Raubgut aus dem Nachlass Emil Davidovic«

Vera Wiethoff