Alessia Colonnelli
Since October 2023
Academic assistant in the research project "Ambivalent Enmity: Dynamics of Antagonism in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East", Heidelberg University.
June 2021- October 2023
Research Associate within the research project "Gathering the Dispersed. State Evasion and State-making in Modern Jewish, Kurdish, and Berber History", Heidelberg University.
Since July 2022
PhD student at the University of Heidelberg.
Since March 2021
Radio presenter. Curator of a radio program with press review of Arabic newspapers for Radio Radicale.
2020 - 2021
Postgraduate degree in International Cooperation SIOI & Unitelma Sapienza University Thesis title: 'Culture as a means for sustainable social, economic and human development'. Supervisor of the thesis: Paolo Benvenuti.
Since April 2020
Freelance translator Interpreting and translation services for Arabic-Italian, French-Italian, Spanish-Italian legal documents for the court.
Translation of Arabic literary texts.
2017 - 2020
Master's degree in Linguistics, History and Cultures of the Mediterranean and Islamic Countries, University of Naples "L'Orientale".
Thesis title: Popular protests in the Moroccan Rif: movements and strategies of mobilization Thesis supervisor: Anna Maria Di Tolla.
July - August 2019
Internship at the Prefecture of Naples, Department of Citizenship and Legalization.
2014 - 2017
Bachelor's degree in Oriental and African Languages and Cultures University of Naples "L'Orientale" Thesis title: 'The Gnawa phenomenon. History and rituals'. Supervisor of the thesis: Silvana Palma.
2009 - 2014
Italian-French Double Degree High School Ettore Majorana of Orvieto/Academy of Nice.
November 14-17, 2023
Ecole doctorale "Dynamiques amazighes dans le Maghreb contemporain : enjeux, formes et évolutions" (Tunis).
March 21-24, 2023
Participation in the workshop: "Semaine Études Berbères/Amazighes" (University of Aix-en-Provence).
March 27-29, 2023
Participation in the conference: "Diaspora and Indigeneity Intersections of Modern Jewish, Kurdish, and Amazigh History".
Title of the contribution: "The Identity Politics of the Berber Academy of Paris Between Attempts to Define an Amazigh Identity and Its Elusiveness".
December 1-4, 2022
Panel at the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) (Denver, USA).
Title of the paper: "Inventing a State-Making Past for a Non-State Community?Amazigh Nationalism between Colonial Fantasy and Anti-Colonial Nation-Building".
August 8-12, 2022
Panel at the 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem).
Title of the paper: "Zionism and the Amazigh Movement: A Comparison".
July 14, 20 22
PhD colloquium at the Graduate Program for Transcultural Studies (GPTS) (Heidelberg University).
June 9-10, 20 22
Workshop: 9es Journées d'études de la Halqa (École normale supérieure Lyon).
Title of the paper: "The Berber Academy and the reaffirmation of the denied Amazigh identity: a case study for the analysis of minoritization".
October 10-11, 2021
Panel at the 9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Israeli Studies (online) Title of the paper: "The Berber Academy - Notes on the Invention of Modern Amazigh Nationalism".
September 16-18, 2021 Panel at the 27th DAVO Congress (online) Title of the paper: The Berber Academy - Notes on the Invention of Modern Amazigh Nationalism.
May 2018
Participation in the workshop: "Internazionalizzazione degli Studi Berberi, Laurea Magistrale. Doppio Titolo I/ Internationalization des Éudes Berbères. Diplome de Master en Partenariat International" (University of Naples "L'Orientale").
May 2018
Participation in the workshop: "Studying conflict in Africa and Middle East: sources, tools and interpretations" (University of Naples "L'Orientale").
April 2018
Participation in the workshop: "Tifinagh Berber alphabet: history, variation, orthographic norms (IRCAM) and technological implications" (University of Naples "L'Orientale").
December 2017
Participation in the workshop: "Introduction to Berber linguistics; methodological notions and approach to study" (University of Naples "L'Orientale").
November 2015
Participation in the workshop: "West African Pidgin English" (University of Naples "L'Orientale").

Contact details
Alessia Colonnelli
Karl Jaspers Center
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.00.21
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4381