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Winter semester 2023/2024

Lecture: Introduction to the history and politics of the modern Middle East

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke & Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert

MA seminar: Reading Class on Ambivalent Enmity

Directed by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke & Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

MA Seminar: Jerusalem - A Political History of the City from the Crusaders to the Present Day

Directed by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke & Prof. Dr. Anna Kollatz

BA Seminar: Jewish-Arab Relations in Mandatory Palestine

Directed by: Dr. Lily Eilan & Dr. Uri Rosenberg

BA Seminar: Immigration and Diversity in Israel Society

Head: Dr. Hila Zaban


Summer semester 2023

BA Seminar: The Jewish Renewal Movement in Israel - Hebrew Source Reading
Leader: Shulamit Rom

MA seminar: Secular-Jewish Identity in Israel
Leader: Shulamit Rom

Winter semester 2022/23

Lecture: Introduction to the History and Politics of the Modern Middle East
Directed by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke & Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert

MA Seminar: Ambivalent Enmity - Antagonistic Relationships in East Asia and the Middle East
Head: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke & Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

BA Seminar: Constitution and Constitutional Reality in Israel, Kurdistan and the Arab World
Led by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke and Dr. Bawar Bammarny

Exercise: Arabic sources on the constitution and constitutional reality in Israel, Kurdistan and the Arab world
Leader: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke and Dr. Bawar Bammarny

BA Seminar: Representations of Jews, Judaism, and Israel in Egyptian Culture
Head: Dr. Menna Abukhadra

MA Seminar: Zionist Thought in Historical Context - From Moses Hess to the Present
Leader: Dr. Nimrod Lind

BA Seminar: Memory Cultures in the Modern Middle East
Head: Dr. Bareez Majid

Summer semester 2022

BA Seminar: Introduction to the History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the 20th Century
Leader: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

Exercise: Introduction to Israeli Media (Hebrew Source Reading)
Leader: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA Seminar: Israeli History since the Six-Day War
Head: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA Seminar: Secularization in Jewish Culture in Europe and Israel
Head: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA-Seminar: Jewish-Arab Relations in Israel/Palestine since 1882
Head: Dr. Nimrod Lin

MA Seminar: Memory Cultures in Israel/Palestine - Art, Museums, and Archives
Directed by: Dr. Omri Grinberg

Winter semester 2021/22

Lecture: Introduction to the History and Politics of the Modern Middle East
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke / Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert

Exercise: Hebrew Source Reading - The Yishuv and Mandate Palestine
Head: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

BA Seminar: "Villa in the Jungle" or Middle Eastern State? Israel and European Integration
Head: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA seminar: Holocaust Memory in Israel - Past and Present
Leader: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA Seminar: Zionism in European Jewish History
Head: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA Seminar: The British Mandate for Palestine - The Jewish-Arab-British Triangle
Head: Dr. Nimrod Lin


Summer semester 2021

Seminar: Comparing Jewish and Kurdish Nation-Building
Led by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke

Proseminar: Introduction to German-Israeli Relations since 1949
Led by: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

Exercise: Hebrew source reading on German-Israeli relations
Leader: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA seminar: Europe in Zionist and Israeli imagination
Leader: Dr. Jenny Hestermann

MA Seminar: The Contested Historiography of the Zionist Project
Leader: Dr. Jenny Hestermann


Winter semester 2020/21

Lecture: Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies
Directed by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke / Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert

MA seminar: "Waiting for the Seventh Day": Israel and the Six-Day War
Head: Dr. Lutz Fiedler

MA seminar: "Eichmann in Jerusalem" reconsidered: On the history, impact and controversy of Hannah Arendt's "Report on the Banality of Evil" 
Leader: Dr. Lutz Fiedler

MA seminar: Diplomacy without a state. Jewish politics in the modern age
Leader: Dr. Lutz Fiedler

Exercise: New perspectives on the history and present of Zionism
Leader: Dr. Lutz Fiedler


Summer semester 2020

MA seminar: State and religion in the Middle East
Led by: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke, Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert

Exercise: Hebrew source texts on state and religion in Israel
Leader: Junior Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke, Prof. Dr. Viktor Golinets

MA Seminar: Jewish-Muslim Relations in the Modern Middle East
Leader: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke, Prof. Dr. Frederek Musall


Winter semester 2019/20

Lecture: Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies
Head: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke

BA seminar: The State and the Military in Israeli History
Leader: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke


Summer semester 2019

MA seminar: Language Politics in the History of the Zionist Project
Head: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke

BA seminar: Introduction to the Israeli media
Led by: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke


Winter semester 2018/19

BA seminar: Introduction to Israeli politics and society
Led by: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke

MA seminar: History and politics of the Israeli left
Led by: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke


Summer semester 2018

BA seminar: Nation-building and statehood in the Middle East
Supervision: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke, Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert

Exercise: Nation-Building, Statehood and the Zionist Project
Head: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke


Winter semester 2017/18

MA Seminar: The History and Politics of Israel's Rule over the Occupied Territories
Head: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke


Summer semester 2017

MA seminar: Comparative Perspectives on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Leader: Juniorprof. Dr. Johannes Becke

BA-Seminar: Introduction to the History of German-Israeli Relations
Head: Dr. Jenny Hestermann


Winter semester 2016/17

BA seminar: Ethnic conflicts in the Middle East
Leader: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke

Exercise: Basic Hebrew texts of the Israeli Right
Leader: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke


Summer semester 2016

BA seminar: State and Language in Israel and Palestine
Led by: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke, Junior Professor Dr. Viktor Golinets

BA seminar: German-Israeli relations in the shadow of the past
Head: Dr. Angelika Timm


Winter semester 2015/16

Lecture: State and Minority in the Middle East
Lecturer: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke

BA seminar: Visual arts as a source of Israeli cultural and mental history
Head: Dr. Shelley Harten


Summer semester 2015

BA seminar: Comparative Perspectives on Jewish Nationalism and Israeli Statehood
Head: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke

Exercise: Analyzing Hebrew Documents from Israel's Political History
Leader: Junior Professor Dr. Johannes Becke