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David Bindrim, PhD

Research associate

Chair of Hebrew Linguistics

+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 55


Office hours Mondays 11:00 to 12:00 and by appointment.

  Professional experience
since 08/2024 Research associate at the Chair of Hebrew Linguistics (Viktor Golinets), University of Jewish Studies, Heidelberg
01/2023–07/2024 Preparatory service for the teaching profession (Gymnasium)
05/2022 Teaching assignment for Biblical Hebrew at the University of Heidelberg at the Faculty of Theology, University of Heidelberg
08/2021–07/2022 Gerhard von Rad Scholarship; Research Assistant at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg
10/2020–07/2021 Research associate at the Max Weber Institute for Sociology, University of Heidelberg
08/–09/2020 Gerhard von Rad Scholarship
02/2017–07/2020 Research associate at the Chair of Old Testament Theology (Manfred Oeming), Faculty of Theology, University of Heidelberg
  Parental leave (07/2019–03/2020)
04/–05/2016 Teaching assignment for Biblical Hebrew at the University of Heidelberg at the Faculty of Theology, University of Heidelberg
  Academic carreer
04/20/2024 prize of the Hebraists' Association e. V. for the doctoral thesis
04/2016–07/2022 PhD, Biblical Studies under the supervision of Manfred Oeming, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität and Viktor Golinets, Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
10/2016 Additional examination for the 1st state examination (Hebrew)
10/2015 1st state examination for the higher secondary school teaching profession
10/2007–11/2016 Study of Protestant theology, history and Hebrew as a teacher at the University of Heidelberg
2004–2007 Wirtschaftsgymnasium Johann-Philipp-Reis-Schule, Weinheim; degree: general education (Abitur)


  1. Die Flamme des Herrn? Eine philologische und theologische Untersuchung der Wurzel אה"ב im Alten Testament (The Flame of the LORD? A philological and theological study of the root אה"ב in the Old Testament) (VTOA 1), Göttingen 2024.

Articles and Papers

  1. „Heilige Huren und pädarastische Prester? Eine Annäherung an den Begriff קָדֵשׁ im Alten Testament“ (Holy Harlots and Pedarastic Priests? An approach to the term קָדֵשׁ in the Old Testament); published online via
  2. „Kabale und Liebe im Alten Israel“ (Cabal and love in ancient Israel), in: Emotionen in der Bibel. Tagungsband zur Summer School „Emotionen in der Bibel und ihrer Welt (BThSt 192)“, ed. by Nils Neumann and Anna Lena Schenk, Göttingen 2022.
  3. „Ugaritisch (ohne Übungen)“ (Ugaritic without exercises); published online via (06.2021).
  4. „Paradigmen des Ugaritischen“ (Paradigms of Ugaritic); published online via (06.2021). Verkommenheit
  5. „Schuld sind die Kanaanäer und die ‚Versumpftheit beider Geschlechter‘. (Kult-)Prostitution im Alten Testament“ (All Because of the Canaanites and the Depravity of Both Sexes. Cult prostitution in the Old Testament), in: Erotik und Ethik. FS Oeming, p. 229–244.
  6. „Viele Formen der Liebe. Verwandte Begriffe zu Ahavah“ (Many Forms of Love. Synonyms to Ahavah), in: Ahavah. Die Liebe Gottes im Alten Testament. Ursprünge, Transformationen und Wirkungen (ABG 55), ed. by Manfred Oeming, Leipzig 2018, p. 57–75.


  1. Erotik und Ethik. Festschrift für Manfred Oeming zum 65. Geburtstag (Eroticism and Ethics. Festschrift für Manfred Oeming on his 65th birthday) (ABG 68), ed. together with Volker Grunert and Carolin Kloß, Leipzig 2021.

Layout and typesetting

  • Park, Zion, Das Gottesbild in den Büchern Hosea und Amos. Ein struktureller Vergleich der Theologien zweier Prophetenbücher (The Image of God in the Books of Hosea and Amos.  A Structural Comparison of the Theologies of Two Books of the Prophets) (Reihe: Bibelstudien), Münster 2022 (complete typesetting).
  • Erotik und Ethik. Festschrift für Manfred Oeming zum 65. Geburtstag (Eroticism and Ethics. Festschrift for Manfred Oeming on his 65th birthday) (ABG 68), hrsg. von David Bindrim, Volker Grunert und Carolin Kloß, Leipzig 2021 (complete typesetting).
  • Kellermann, Ulrich, Elia als Toralehrer und Versöhner. Mal 3,22–24 und das Motiv der Zuwendung der Herzen von Vätern und Söhnen durch Elia im frühen Judentum (Elijah as Torah Teacher and Reconciler. Mal 3:22–24 and the  motif of the turning of the hearts of fathers and sons through Elijah in early Judaism), Berlin – Münster 2017 (collaboration on the final typesetting).

  • Multiple participation in archaeological excavations in Azekah and Jerusalem (Givati Parkin Lot).
  • Further training: "Fundamentals of Project Management" (at Transformation Consulting International)
Ancient Hebrew very good
Modern Hebrew basic knowledge
Aramaic (esp. Middle Syriac) very good
Ugaritic very good
Ancient Greek good
Latin good
English very good
Italian basic knowledge
Russian basic knowledge
Korean basic knowledge
since 06/2018 Förderverein der Theologischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg e.V. (Friends of the Faculty of Theology at University of Heidelberg))
  Board Member (Secretary) from 06/2018–12/2020
since 04/2015 Abraham Berliner Center zur Erforschung der Text- und Auslegungstradition der Hebräischen Bibel e.V. (ABC) (Abraham Berlin Centre for Research into the Textual and Interpretative Tradition of the Hebrew Bible)
since 05/2014 Hebraistenverband e.V (Hebraist Association)