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Tom Khaled Würdemann

Since 10/23: PhD on Palestinian Israel Studies at the "Institute for Palestine Studies" in Beirut, Washington and Jerusalem. With: Prof. Dr. Johannes Becke, Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies

Professional activities

  • 11/2020-03/2023: Collaboration in the research projects "Gathering the Dispersed. State Evasion and State-Making in Modern Jewish, Kurdish, and Berber History" and "Beyond Conflict and Coexistence. An Entangled History of Jewish-Arab Relations" at the HfJS Heidelberg and the Center for Transcultural Studies Heidelberg
  • Since 02/2023: Freelance lecturer in politics at the Hessian University of Applied Sciences for Police and Administration in Mühlheim am Main
  • Since 01/2024: Research assistant in the research training group "Ambivalent Enmity" at the University of Heidelberg


  • 2024 "Zionism in the Arab World" - Routledge Handbook on Zionism, edited by Colin Shindler (Forthcoming)

  • 01/2024 "Democracy instead of annihilation" - 'Liberal' - Magazine of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

  • 26.11.2023 "Enmity as a research gap" - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (together with Prof. Johannes Becke)

  • 25.10.2023 "Israel's government has failed - this is the alternative" - Berliner Zeitung

  • 14.10.2023 "An absurd exaggeration" - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

  • 08.04.2023 "Israel and the Orientals - a brief history of Jews with roots in the Islamic world" - Jüdische Allgemeine (together with Prof. Johannes Becke)

  • 20.01.2023 "Morocco between Palestine solidarity and the occupation of Western Sahara" - Dis:Orient

  • 01.11.2022 "Knowledge transfer on the "Middle East conflict" for young people" - Belltower News

  • 09.06.2022 "How to make cycling better for everyone: A Muslim perspective on Inclusivity" - Outside Magazine

  • 04/2020 "The reactionary alliance: Congruence and dialog of conservative Christians and Muslims on Twitter" - CIBEDO contributions no. (Peer Review)

Reviews of

  • Joseph Croitoru, Al-Aqsa or Temple Mount. The Eternal Struggle for Jerusalem's Holy Places [Trumah. Journal of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies, No. 26 (2023) p. 170]

Media appearances (selection)

  • 10.11.2023 Media magazine ZAPP. Images from Gaza: How ARD and ZDF report
  • 13.11.2023 War for the sovereignty of interpretation (Bayerischer Rundfunk)
  • 20.10.2023 Episode 146: What is happening to Gaza now - a conversation with Tom Khaled Würdemann, in: Pirate radio station Powerplay (podcast by Friedemann Karig and Samira el-Ouassil)

contact details:

Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies

Address: Voßstraße 2, 69115 Heidelberg

Room: 400.01.18

Email: tom.wuerdemann(at)

Consultation hours: by appointment