Sebastian Seemann M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, DFG-Langzeitprojekt „Corpus Masoreticum“
Sebastian Seemann M.A.
- Seemann, Sebastian. 2021. “The Okhla Lists in MS Berlin Or. Fol. 1213 (Erfurt 3).” In Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts, edited by Hanna Liss in Zusammenarbeit mit Jonas Leipziger, 243–62. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang.
- Seemann, Sebastian. 2016. Das Buch Ochla we-Ochla und die Masora Magna in der Bibelhandschrift MS Berlin SBB-PK Ms. or. Fol 1213: Eine exemplarische Studie zum Buch Exodus. Heidelberg, unpubl. Masterarbeit.
- 21.11.2022, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Denver/USA: Sefer Okhla we-Okhla and the Appendices of the Bible Manuscripts
- 09.08.2022, 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Do the Genizah Fragments Constitute Independent Masoretic Collections? An Attempt to Evaluate Some Cambridge Fragments (T-S D1.84, T-S D1.87, T-S D1.105, and T-S D1.119) as a Case Study
- 19.11.2021, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio/USA: The missing lists in the recension Paris of Sefer Okhla
- 02.11.2021, Workshop Artists and Philologists: The Scribes of Micrographic Illustrations in Bibles and Prayer Books, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies: Annotations to ‘Yonah Pentateuch’ BL Add MS 2116
- 03.02.2020, Research Kolloquium at the Chair for Bible and Jewish Biblical Interpretation, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies: Neu-Edition der Okhla-Rezension Paris und ihr Verhältnis zu den inner- und außerbiblischen masoretischen Listen
- 24.11.2019, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego/USA: Does Sefer Okhla we-Okhla Show Any Structure?
Curriculum Vitae
Education | |
Since 2016 | PhD project "New Edition of the Paris Okhla Recension and Its Relation to Inner- and Extrabiblical Masoretic Lists", Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies (first advisor: Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss) |
10/2005 – 08/2016 | M.A. in Jewish Studies (major) and Protestant Theology (minor), Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies/Heidelberg University |
10/2003 – 09/2005 | Studies in the History of Religions, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
10/1996 – 06/2003 | Studies at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, Poland |
Employment | |
Since 09/2020 | Research Associate, Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies, Chair of Bible and Jewish Biblical Interpretation, Project "Corpus Masoreticum" |
12/2016 – 11/2019 | Research Associate, Gradutate School 1728 "Theology as an Acadmic Discipline", Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main |
01/2013 – 08/2016 | Student Assistant, Collaborative Research Center 933 "Material Text Cultures", sub-project ""The Masora Text of the Hebrew Bible in its Various Material Forms in Western Europe" (PI Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss), Heidelberg University |
02/2011 – 12/2012 | Student Assistant, Collaborative Research Center 619 "Ritual Dynamics", sub-project B11 "Ritual Purity in Medieval Ashkenaz" (PI Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss), Heidelberg University |
12/2009 – 02/2010 | Student Assistant in the project "Josef ben Schim’on Kara's (ca. 1050–1125) Commentary to the Minor Prophets (Perush Tere Asar): Criticial Edition and Annotated Translation" (PI Prof. Dr. Hanna Liss), Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies |
09/2002 – 06/2003 | Internship as teacher of religion, elementary school of Kluczbork/Polen |
Scholarships | |
12/2019 – 08/2020 | Scholarship by the Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main |