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Interpretation of the month

Interpretation of the month Tishri

And he said, "Take your son, your only one whom you love, Isaac...

Take [קח נא], ןis always an expression of supplication. He said to him: "I ask you to pass this test for me, so that it is not said that there was nothing real about the previous ones." Your son: Then [Avraham] replied: "I have two sons". He said, "Your only one". Then he said, "This one is the only one of his mother, and this one is the only one of his mother. He said, "The one you love," and he replied, "I love them both. Then he said: "The Yitzchaq". And why did [the Eternal] not reveal this to him from the beginning? So as not to confuse him suddenly; his mind could have left him and become confused, and to make the commandment dear to him and to give him [his] reward for every single word.

Rashi on Gen 22:2

Interpretation of the month Elul

Remember what Amalek did to you... how he met you on the road and struck your stragglers, all the weak ones behind you... "You went on your way and had no reason to suspect an enemy attack. His attack was completely unprovoked, was driven by pure joy in man-slaughter, or by an inkling of the danger that began to threaten his principle of sword power from the principle of pure humanity and loyalty to duty that entered history with you ... So it was the weakest of the weak, who could not follow even a slow movement, whom he attacked. Thus, it was not weakness that invited him to pity and sparing, but to crude, mocking maltreatment"

Samson Raphael Hirsch on Deut 25:17f.

Interpretation of the Month Av

You shall not quarrel with them, for I will not give you any of their land ...

"Moshe had to utter all these warnings 'now' [i.e., at the time in question] so that they would not become fainthearted and say, 'If it is truly the will of the Holy One to give us an inheritance, and if He has the power to do so, why did He not drive out the nations through [whose land] we passed?' - Therefore [Moshe] let them know 'now' that the Holy One did not want this to happen, for the Holy One had already allotted [these territories] to [these peoples], for it is written: ... because I gave the mountains of Seir to Esau for a possession (Deut 2:5), ... because I gave Ar to the descendants of Lot for a possession (Deut 2:9), and [the same applies] to the Ammonites, because I gave it to the descendants of Lot for a possession (Deut 2:19). [This was done] in honor of Abraham, to whom they were related, as he had done for Israel."

Rashbam (c. 1088- c. 1058) to Deut. 2:5

Interpretation of the month Tammuz:

This is what applies to the Levites: From 25 years old and upward he shall enter to do the work of the service of the Tent of Meeting "But in another place he says (Num 4:3) 'from 30 years old'. How is this to be understood? From the age of 25 he comes to learn the precepts of the ministry, and he learns 5 years. From (the age of) 30 he (then) performs the service. It is clear from this (verse) that a student who does not see a favorable omen [i.e. success] in his studies for five years will never see it"

Rashi to Num 8:24, par. בהעלותך