A talk by Prof. Liat Kozma
Book Presentation by Adrián Krupnik
Lecture by Dr. Hila Zaban, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kinneret Academic College, Israel
Buchvorstellung von Dr. Corry Guttstadt (ikw Hamburg)
Kaminfeuergespräch mit Dr. Corry Guttstadt (ikw Hamburg)
How Moroccan Imazighen Used Traditional Channels to Make Change
Music: Dan Popek
Kaminfeuergespräch mit Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz
Lecture by Dr. Irena Kalhousová
A lecture by Hizky Shoham (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Causes and Consequences
Ein Vortrag von Professor Daniel Bar-Tal
Conference at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies in cooperation with the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies
Workshop at the Heidelberg Center for Jewish Studies