Dr. Uri Rosenberg
August 2023– heute
Postdoktorand: Universität Heidelberg. Forschungsschwerpunkte:
1.) Jüdisch-arabische Beziehungen in Israel/Palästina; 2.) Türkisch-islamistische Diskurse über Juden und Israel
Akademische Lehrveranstaltungen: "Jüdisch-Arabische Beziehungen im Mandatsgebiet Palästina": MA- und BA-Seminar, Universität Heidelberg & Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, Wintersemester 2023/24.
September 2022 – August 2023
Postdoktorand: Institut für Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft, Universität Potsdam. Forschungsschwerpunkt: Die Millî Görüş-Bewegung in Deutschland – ideologische und diskursive Veränderungen von den 1970er Jahren bis heute.
September 2022
Ph.D. in Geschichte/Nahoststudien, Tel Aviv University. Dissertationsthema: Die Sichtweise der Millî Görüş auf „den Westen“ (1973-1995).
Juni - August 2016
Forschung zu jüdisch-muslimischen Beziehungen in Aserbaidschan. Forschung zur jüdischen Gemeinde in Baku. Fokus auf gemischte jüdisch-muslimische Familien, Identitätsfragen, religiöse Fluidität, Muster interethnischer Beziehungen und historische Narrative der Gemeinde unter der UdSSR und in der postsowjetischen Republik Aserbaidschan.
Juni 2016
M.A. in Geschichte, Tel Aviv University.
September 2015 – Februar 2017
Forschung zu interethnischen Beziehungen in Akko. Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen jüdischen Einwanderern aus dem Kaukasus und Arabern in Akko (einer gemischten Stadt im Norden Israels), mit Fokus auf das kollektive Gedächtnis der interkommunalen Beziehungen von Juden und Muslimen in Aserbaidschan und Dagestan.
August 2015
M.A. in Internationalen Beziehungen, University of Chicago. Thesis-Thema (awarded honours): Narrative der Vorgeschichte im aserbaidschanischen Nationalismus.
August 2010
B.A. in Verhaltenswissenschaften & Allgemeiner B.A. (Philosophie & Politikwissenschaft), Ben Gurion University.
Peer Reviewed Artikel
Rosenberg, Uri. "“If you can’t beat them–join them”: explaining Milli Görüş movement’s views towards the West." Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (2023): 1-21.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14683857.2023.2259193Rosenberg, Uri. "The Millî Görüş movement’s view on Muslims in the West: Turkish migration to Germany as a case study." Middle Eastern Studies 60, no. 1 (2024): 94-111.
Rosenberg, Uri. "Are cinema, TV and football recommended for Muslims? The Millî Görüş movement’s view on popular culture." Middle Eastern Studies 60, no. 4 (2024): 663-678.
Rosenberg, Uri. "Was the prehistoric man an Azeri nationalist?: Mobilized prehistory and nation-building in Azerbaijan." Central Asian Survey 43, no. 2 (2024): 196-214.
Rosenberg, Uri. "Reconstructing the Caliphate or bringing Liberal Democracy to Turkey? Millî Görüş’s view on Liberal Democracy, before reaching power", Middle Eastern Studies (2024): 1-18.
- Rosenberg, Uri. “If you can’t beat them, join them”: Millî Görüş’s view of “the West” from entering Turkish politics until reaching power. Under review with Brill Academic Publishers.
2015: University of Chicago, "Armenian Circle" workshop: presentation on Azeri and Armenian mythmaking and nationalisms
2015: Indiana University, Bloomington: ACES conference for Central Eurasian Studies: presentation on Azeri nationalism
2017: Ben Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel: Conference of young researchers in European Studies and African Studies. Presentation on Millî Görüş’s view on “the West” and on Turks in Germany during the 1980s
2019: Lancaster University, UK: Presentation on the Geopolitical outlook of the Turkish Millî Görüş movement at the end of the Cold War
2022: University of Potsdam, Germany, Colloquium on Religious Studies: Presentation on Millî Görüş’s view of Turkish migration to Germany
2023: University of Bern, Switzerland: Workshop on “Dis/connectivities in the South Caucasus”: Presentation on post-Soviet Azerbaijani nation-building
2023: Heidelberg University, Germany, Middle East Studies Colloquium: Millî Görüş and the West (1973-1995)
2024: University of Potsdam, Germany, Colloquium on Religious Studies: Presentation on Millî Görüş’s view of Jews and Christians
2024: Oxford University, UK, Conference on “Political Theologies of Enmity: Time and the Other”: Presentation on Millî Görüş’s view of Jews and Christians
2024: The Institute of Ismaili Studies, Aga Khan Centre, UK. Conference on the Historical and Contemporary Migration of Central Asian Muslims. Presentation on Immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus in Israeli ‘Mixed’ (Jewish-Arab) cities
2024: University of Edinburgh, UK, ASEN Conference on Nationalism and Memory: Presentation on Caucasian-Jewish migrants’ memory of Muslim-Jewish relations
2024: Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies, research colloquium: Presentation named "We respect but also suspect them": Ambivalent enmity between 'Kavkazi' Jews and Palestinian-Arabs in Akko
2024: Heidelberg University, colloquium of the research group “Ambivalent Enmity”: Millî Görüş and the West (1973-1995)
2024: Heidelberg University, ENCOUNTERS Workshop: Studying Jewish-Muslims Relations – Approaches, Challenges, Perspectives: Presentation named “Beyond conflict and coexistence: Towards an entangled history of Jewish Arab relations”
2024: Charles University, Prague: Annual AIS/EAIS (Israeli Studies) conference. Presentation on Caucasian-Jewish migrants’ memory of Muslim-Jewish relations
2024: Heidelberg University, Germany, Middle East Studies Colloquium: Presentation on Azerbaijani nation identity

Dr. Uri Rosenberg
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.02.08
69115 Heidelberg
+49 (0) 6221 54 4315