After 7 October 2023 at the latest, the memory of Amaleq will know another gruesome event.
Book presentation by Dr Corry Guttstadt (ikw Hamburg)
Fireside chat with Dr Corry Guttstadt (ikw Hamburg)
Dr Gerold Bönnen (Director of the Worms City Archive & the Jewish Museum Worms, Dr h.c. University of Heidelberg)
The President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Prof Dr Stephan Harbarth, visits the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
No one should be trapped in a war zone.
Project against anti-Semitism founds association
Assoc. Prof. Javier del Barco (Complutense University of Madrid)
Visit by State Secretary Arne Braun and Alexander Salomon, Chairman of the Working Group for Science, Research and the Arts
Music: Dan Popek