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Basic Order

The Board of Trustees of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (HfJS) adopted the following Basic Regulations at its meeting on June 19, 2024. They enter into force on the day after their publication on the homepage.

Basic Order of the HfJS

(Published on July 19, 2024)

Rules of Procedure

The Senate of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (HfJS) has adopted the following rules of procedure on the basis of § 10 para. 8 in conjunction with § 19 para. § 19 para. 1 sentence 2 no. 10 LHG, the Senate adopted the following Rules of Procedure at its meeting on June 11, 2014.

Rules of procedure

On the basis of Section 10 (8), 19 (1) sentence 2 no. 10 of the State Higher Education Act (LHG) in the version of April 1, 2014 (GBI. p. 99), the Rector of the HfJS adopted the following statutes amending the Rules of Procedure of the HfJS on May 11, 2020 by way of an urgent decision in accordance with Section 11 of the Rules of Procedure:

Statutes amending the Rules of Procedure

Evaluation Regulations

On August 15, 2024 the Senate of the HfJS adopted the following evaluation regulations on the basis of § 5 para. 3 in conjunction with § 19 para. 1 no. 10 LHG. § Section 19(1)(10) LHG:

Evaluation regulations

(Published on August 19, 2024)

Statutes on the Evaluation of Junior Professors and tenure-track Professors

At its meeting on January 27, 2020, the Senate of the HfJS adopted the following statutes of the HfJS on the evaluation of junior professors and tenure-track professors in accordance with Section 7 No. 13 of the Basic Regulations and Section 51 b (1) and (2) LHG.

To the statutes