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Blick von Außen HfJS Heidelberg

Board of Trustees


Seven by Virtue of Office

  • Honorary Professor Barbara Traub, Israelitische Religionsgemeinschaft Baden-Württemberg (Chairwoman)
  • Professor Dr. Werner Arnold, Rector of the HfJS
  • Professor Dr. Frau Melchior, Rector of the University of Heidelberg
  • Ministerialdirigentin Simona Dingfelder, Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg
  • State Councillor Carmen Emigholz, Senator for Culture, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
  • State Secretary Uwe Becker, Hessian Ministry of Finance
  • Ministerialrätin Maja Jurcic, Federal Ministry of the Interior

Three additional Representatives of the HfJS due to Elections

  • Professor Dr. Ronen Reichman, HfJS
  • Professor Dr. Hanna Liss, HfJS
  • Professor Dr. Roland Gruschka, HfJS

One Representative of the University of Heidelberg due to Elections

  • Junior-Prof. Dr. Annette Haussmann (Theological Seminary of the University of Heidelberg)

Two Representatives due to Elections as additional Representatives of the responsible Body

  • Mark Dainow, State Association of Jewish Communities in Hesse
  • Professor Dr. Salomon Korn

In an advisory Capacity

  • Daniel Botmann, Managing Director of the Central Council of Jews in Germany K.d.ö.R.
  • Caroline Kiss, Head of Administration HfJS

The Board of Trustees accompanies the HfJS, assumes responsibility in strategic terms, decides on structural and development planning and proposes measures that serve to raise the profile and increase performance and competitiveness, and supervises the Rector's management.


The Board of Trustees has the following tasks in particular

1. Election and dismissal of the Rector in accordance with § 5 para. 4, 5 of these Basic Regulations,
2. Passing resolutions on the basic regulations of the HfJS and their amendments,
3. Passing resolutions on the enactment of regulations for the administration and use
of the facilities of the HfJS
4. Passing resolutions on economic matters, in particular the
Business plan and the equipment plans of the HfJS
5. Passing resolutions on structural and development plans as well as on the planning of
structural development
6. Acceptance of the Rector's accountability report