Going Abroad
Studying at the University of Jewish Studies enables a multitude of ways of going abroad.
In the M.A. Jewish Civilizations, students have the opportunity to spend a semester in Stockholm (Sweden) and can thus benefit directly from the expertise of the local cooperation partner Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies.

The M.A. History of Jewish Cultures offers a stay abroad at the Center for Jewish Studies (CJS) of the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz (Austria). This stay is part of a compulsory semester and is funded by ERASMUS+.

Furthermore, HfJS students also have access to the KA171 funding line of the ERASMUS+ program through the dual enrollment regulation with Heidelberg University, including our partner universities in Israel, e.g. the Hebrew University (HUJI) in Jerusalem.
The Baden-Würtemmberg/Connecticut Human Rights Research Consortium (HRRC), of which the HfJS is a member, also offers advanced students and those interested in the topic opportunities for academic networking and exchange with US universities, including the University of Connecticut, Wesleyan University and Yale University.