Dorothe Sommer
Annual conference of religious education teachers at the university
Basic Order The Board of Trustees of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (HfJS) adopted the following Basic Regulations at its meeting on June 19, 2024. They enter into force on the day…
Members Dr. Andreas Brämer, Rector of the HfJS State Secretary Uwe Becker, Hessian Ministry of Finance Ministerial Director Simona Dingfelder, Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts…
Grundordnung Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg
The new Course Catalog is online! Electronic Course Registration Electronic registration for the courses is mandatory. In addition, personal registration with the course instructor may be…
Opening Hours Monday to Friday from 9.30 - 12.00 and from 14.00 - 16.00. During the semester break, the Registration Office can only be reached by telephone on Fridays. Questions about…