Artikel zum Neubau der Bibliothek von Angelika Stabenow, Bibliotheksleiterin, und Katrin Fischer, Diplom-Bibliothekarin vom Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg in Konstanz
Dr Uri Rosenberg, University of Heidelberg
Institutes Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at Heidelberg University Semitic Studies in general Semitic Archive: Linguistics Research Papers Department of Linguistics at the…
Rahmenregelung zur Lehramtsoption
Prüfungsordnung für das Hebraicum
Talmud-Mechina Lernkarten
Workshop with Prof. Liat Kozma
Jews lived and live in exchange and conflict with their respective environments. However, a history of the Jewish people does not look at Jews and their history from the outside in external source…
A talk by Prof. Liat Kozma