Rita Althausen at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien: Her father Oskar fled from the Nazis to Haifa - after the war he helped to build up the community in Mannheim.
8 May 2024
Jewish law in Israel and Sharia law in Arab countries
The Forum for the Comparison of Religious Legal Discourses aims to promote a scholarly dialogue on the various religious legal discourses.
Zikaron BaCampus - A second witness interview with Rita Althausen
On 6 May, the Jewish resistance against the persecution of Jews by Nazi Germany is commemorated, while 8 May is regarded as Liberation Day.
7 May 2024
Zikaron BaCampus - Memory on Campus
Second Witness Talk: Zikaron BaCampus - Remembrance on Campus with Rita Althausen on 7 May at 6:15 pm at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (Hannah Arendt Hall)