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Der Nister - Of my possessions (Yiddish tales)

Book Presentation

Translated from Yiddish for the first time, Of My Possessions represents a high point in the literary oeuvre of Der Nister, who is undoubtedly one of the great protagonists of Yiddish-Russian modern literature. His unique style combines archaic forms of the Jewish literary tradition with the hypnotic rhythms of the Russian Symbolists and a Kafkaesque modernity.

20240703 Lesung Mantovan
  • Date: 3 July 2024
    Date 3 July 2024
  • Time: 
    Time 18:15 - 20:00 UTC+02:00
  • Participation: On-site
    Participation On-site
  • Language: German
    Language German
  • Contact: HfJS
    Contact HfJS
  • Location: Hannah Arendt Hall, S4 (HfJS Heidelberg)
    Location Hannah Arendt Hall, S4 (HfJS Heidelberg)
  • Registration? No
