The Arab World and Israel
The Arab World and Israel - Myths, Realities and Future Prospects
The HfJS Student Union, the Young Forum of the German-Israeli Society and the Friends of Weinheim and Ramat Gan invite you to a lecture by Hussein Aboubakr Mansour.
Mansour was born in Cairo, Egypt into a family who raised another son to be an imam inspiring young people to become Jihadists. His critical intellect led him to find out more about Israel and Jews and to forge friendships with Israelis. Hussein received political asylum in the United States under President Barack Obama in 2012 and worked as an instructor for language and culture at the Defense Language Institute at Monterey, California. He then went on to work as an educator and public speaker for StandWithUs, educating students about cultural and geopolitical issues in the Middle East and helping them counter anti-Semitism. Hussein wrote an autobiography, Minority of One: The Unchaining of the Arab Mind, and his articles have appeared in Commentary, Newsweek, the Jewish Journal,, Times of Israel, and Mosaic.(Source)
Registration mandatory

Date 10 December 2024
Time 19:00 - 21:00 UTC+01:00
Language English
Contact Student Union
Location Hannah Arendt Hall, S4 (HfJS Heidelberg)
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