The subject History of the Jewish People deals with the history and culture of the Jewish people over a period of more than two and a half thousand years from the era of the Second Temple to…
Student assistant DFG-Project "Erna Meyer und das moderne Heim"
Research assistant DFG-Project "Erna Meyer und das moderne Heim"
Federal voluntary service Albert-Einstein-Library
+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 05
Annual memorial event for Jews who were expelled from Arab countries and Iran
The Friends of the University invite
Book launch with publisher Prof. em. Dr. Joseph Sievers
Graduate Workshop
2021 Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts (ed. by Hanna Liss, in Collaboration with Jonas Leipziger; Judaism and Environment 85), Frankfurt am Main et…
Internal view and positioning of religion in relation to secular/political power Interdisciplinary workshop on Monday, November 6, 2023 This year's workshop of the Forum for the Comparison of…