What did Zionism mean in late 19th century Europe? What significance does it have today for the Jewish community worldwide?
Resolution of the HRK General Assembly on 19.11.2024
Chair holder Professor Dr. Ronen Reichman BaföG Representative (+49) (0) 6221 / 54 19 228 ronen.reichman@hfjs.eu Office hours (lecture period) : by appointment Consultation hours (semester…
Forum for comparing the legal discourses of religions Previous Activities Forum for Comparative Research of Religious Legal Discourses The Forum for the Comparison of Legal Discourses of…
Commemoration ceremony: Viernheim citizens look back on the November pogroms of 1938. Jessica Hösel presents her study on anti-Semitism
20241110 Uralte Vorurteile leben neu auf
The subject "Talmud, Codices and Rabbinical Literature" deals with rabbinical Judaism across all eras. One focus is on classical rabbinical Judaism. Particular emphasis is placed on halakhic…
Student and teaching Shabbat
Workshop Programm
Programm Workshop