Tom Khaled Würdemann, who is writing his dissertation on Palestinian history in the graduate school "Ambivalent Enmity", has his say twice.
Chair holder Employees at the chair Prof. Dr. Anat Feinberg Dr. Daniela Mantovan Sabrina Worch Prof. Dr. Reuven Kritz ז "ל Former Colleagues
E-Mail: For a full curriculum vitae and list of publications, please click here .
CV Anat Feinberg
All videos on Youtube Religion and secular society. A philosophical perspective by the philosopher of religion Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Schmidt from Goethe University Frankfurt am Main The…
2021-2022 Fellow of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation at the Historische Kolleg München 2019-2021 Forschungsfreisemester 2013-2019 Rector of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies 2008-2013…
Research Assistant Chair of Jewish Literature
+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 59
Research assistant Chair of Jewish Literature
+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 59