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Laptops can be connected using the Wi-Fi network "eduroam". This works not only throughout our university and Heidelberg University, but also wherever the free "Heidelberg4You" network is…
A public printer is available in the library, which can be used for scanning, copying and printing. ALL other printers and scanners are for staff use only. The link to the Ricoh web portal for…
E-mail address Email: Correct use of your e-mail address The University of Jewish Studies is not a part of Heidelberg University. If you pass on your e-mail address to other people or publish it…
In the M.A. Jewish Civilizations, students have the opportunity to spend a semester in Stockholm (Sweden) and can thus benefit directly from the expertise of the local cooperation partner Paideia -…
The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (HfJS) is characterized by a high degree of internationalization, for example by offering part of its teaching in English as part of an international…
The U.Lab Heidelberg is a network of people who are intensively involved in personal and social transformation. The topic of this evening is "The war within us".
Dr Lily Eilan (University of Heidelberg)