Seemann, Sebastian. 2021. "The Okhla Lists in MS Berlin Or. Fol. 1213 (Erfurt 3)." In Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts, edited by Hanna Liss in…
The university's publication series consists partly of monographs and partly of collected articles, but one volume is always dedicated to a specific topic. Thus, sacred spaces in Judaism are…
Trumah aims to represent the entire spectrum of Jewish Studies. Each issue has a thematic focus. In addition, contributions from other areas of the discipline are also included. The journal is…
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Provenienz-Forschung-daten: Wikidata Digitaler Workshop „Aktuelle Projekte und Forschungen zu NS-Raubgut“ HfJS , Heidelberg, 18.-19. März 2021 Dr. Andreas Kennecke (UB Potsdam) 18. März 2021…
Student Assistant, Corpus Masoreticum et al. Studierendenvertretung Vorstandsmitglied des Freundeskreises der HfJS
Ongoing Dissertation Projects Melissa Anwar Uthman MA: Masora parva Collections in Ashkenazi Manuscripts, e.g. MS Berlin SPK or.fol. 1219 'Erfurt 11' Dipl. Phys. Bettina Burghardt MA.: The…
Reading and discussion with Daniela Mantovan and Prof. Roland Gruschka
"Sharing Worldviews: Learning in Encounter for Common Values in Diversity" is an Erasmus+-funded project. Led by the Heidelberg University of Education, it started in November 2021 and runs until…