2021 Philology and Aesthetics. Figurative Masorah in Western European Manuscripts (ed. by Hanna Liss, in Collaboration with Jonas Leipziger; Judaism and Environment 85), Frankfurt am Main et…
Internal view and positioning of religion in relation to secular/political power Interdisciplinary workshop on Monday, November 6, 2023 This year's workshop of the Forum for the Comparison of…
Stelle Kita Nürnberg
Research assistant Chair of the History of the Jewish People
+49 0 6221 54192-70 david.luellemann@hfjs.eu Consultation upon arrangment
Chair holder and staff
Federal voluntary service Albert-Einstein-Library
+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 05 annalena.bauer@hfjs.eu
Bachelor of Jewish Studies (25%, 50% with or without teacher training option, 75% - in combination with Heidelberg University) You can enrol on the Bachelor's degree course in Jewish Studies…
A classification of the myths and points of contention in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The brochure is presented.
Vernissage for the lost books is well received