Mediterranean Language Review
The MEDITERRANEAN LANGUAGE REVIEW is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed forum for the investigation of language and culture in the Mediterranean. The editors of this periodical welcome articles, reviews, review articles, and bibliographical surveys in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish relating to the following aspects of Mediterranean languages, past and present:
- linguistic contact and diffusion in the Mediterranean area and its hinterland;
- interaction of language and culture in the region; cases studies of linguistic relativity; culturally determined language behavior;
- sociolinguistic aspects: dialectology, language policy, koiné and levelling, sociolects, diglossia and bilingualism;
- the historical evolution and present state of languages spoken by small nations and ethnic minorities (e.g. Berber, Albanian in Italy and Greece, Neo-Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic, Judezmo, the languages of Gypsies, etc.); language problems endemic to small spaker communities in the region; ethnolinguistic research on Bedouin;
- religion and language: confessional affiliation and language use; liturgical languages;
- ethnolinguistic studies on island communities in the Mediterranean (Corsica, Sardinia, Cyprus, Malta, the Greek islands, etc.); linguistic obsolescence;
- linguistic stratification: areal typology and the languages of the Mediterranean littoral; substratal phenomena;
- interlinguas: cultural languages of the Mediterranean (Greek, Latin, Italian, Arabic, etc.); the lexical impact of globalization; Mediterranean Lingua Franca; maritime linguistics; lexical convergence; relics of colonial and maritime English, e.g. in Maltese, Egyptian Arabic, Cypriot Greek, etc.; marginal language;
- approaches to Mediterranean lexicology (words and things); ethnolinguistic studies of traditional professions; the levelling linguistic impact of globalization.
Manuscript form
Manuscripts should be submitted as a doc(x)-file together with a pdf version. They should have a margin of at least 3.5 cm on each side. The font size (including citations, footnotes and references) should be 12 points. The unformatted text should be left-aligned (no justification), with no paragraph indentation and no pagination. If special characters are used, please include the character set.
For articles and review articles, the text (including tables etc.) can generally comprise up to 40 pages. As the texts are sent to anonymous referees for evaluation, the author's name must not be visible. Only the author's name with postal and e-mail address should be listed on a separate page.
Footnotes and bibliographic information
Footnotes are placed below the text and numbered consecutively. Bibliographical information within the footnotes, as in the main text, should only be given in abbreviated form (e.g. Behnstedt 1997: 30).
Full details of the literature used are listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order. Journals should not be listed with an abbreviation, but with their full name. The following rules apply to the citation of references:
References to books: Author Year of publication. Title (in italics). Series Place of publication.
Behnstedt, Peter 1997. language atlas of Syria. (Semitica Viva. 17.) Wiesbaden.
Fischer, Wolfdietrich & Jastrow, Otto 1980. Handbuch der arabischen Dialekte. (Porta Linguarum Orientalium. N.S. 16.) Wiesbaden.
References to articles published in anthologies: Author, year of publication. Title (not in italics). In: Editor, title (in italics). Place of publication: page number.
Webber, Sabra 1995, Children's Games and Songs from Tunisia. In: E. Warnock Fernea (ed.), Children in the Muslim Middle East. Austin: 448-452.
Davy, Jim; Ioannou, Yiannis & Panayotou, Anna 1996. French and English loans in Cypriot diglossia. In: Chypre hier et aujourd'hui entre Orient et Occident. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen. 25.) Lyon: 127-136.
References to articles published in journals: Author Year of publication. Title (not in italics). Journal (in italics) Volume: page number.
Demir, Nurettin 2002. 'Wanting' in Cypriot Turkish. Mediterranean Language Review 14: 9-20.
Arvaniti, Amalia & Joseph, Brian 2000. variation in voiced stop prenasalization in Greek. Glossologia 11-12: 131-166.
The book under review is cited as follows: Title (italics). Author. Series Place of publication: Publisher Year of publication. Page number. ISBN.
The Arabic dialect of Nabk (Syria). By Sabine Gralla. (Semitica Viva. 37.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2006. XII + 191 pp. ISBN 978-3-447-05449-2
Semitic Studies in honor of Edward Ullendorff. Ed. by Geoffrey Khan. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics. 47.) Leiden-Cologne: Brill 2005. VI + 367 pp. ISBN 90-04-14834-5
Please send manuscripts for publication, book reviews and other correspondence to one of the following addresses:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kappler
Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa mediterraneo / Department of Asian and Nort African Studies
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Ca' Cappello, San Polo 2035
I-30125 Venezia
Prof. Dr. Werner Arnold (Semitic World)
Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies
Landfriedstrasse 12
69117 Heidelberg
Dr. phil. Teresa Gruber (Linguistics Spanish, Portuguese and Italian)
Institute for Romance Philology at the University of Munich
Department of Linguistics
Schellingstr. 3, front building
80799 Munich
Room: 510
Prof. Dr. Christian Voß (Southeast Europe)
Humboldt University of Berlin
Institute for Slavic Studies
Dorotheenstrasse 65
10099 Berlin
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