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Going Abroad

Studying at the University of Jewish Studies enables a multitude of ways of going abroad.

In the M.A. Jewish Civilizations, students have the opportunity to spend a semester in Stockholm (Sweden) and can thus benefit directly from the expertise of the local cooperation partner Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies.

To the M.A. Jewish Civilizations

The M.A. History of Jewish Cultures offers a stay abroad at the Center for Jewish Studies (CJS) of the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz (Austria). This stay is part of a compulsory semester and is funded by ERASMUS+.

To the M.A. History of Jewish Cultures

Furthermore, HfJS students also have access to the KA171 funding line of the ERASMUS+ program through the dual enrollment regulation with Heidelberg University, including our partner universities in Israel, e.g. the Hebrew University (HUJI) in Jerusalem.

The ERASMUS partner countries of Heidelberg University

The Baden-Würtemmberg/Connecticut Human Rights Research Consortium (HRRC), of which the HfJS is a member, also offers advanced students and those interested in the topic opportunities for academic networking and exchange with US universities, including the University of Connecticut, Wesleyan University and Yale University.

Website of the University of Connecticut

In addition, the HfJS continuously informs students about other relevant offers from external providers, such as international summer schools, DAAD language courses, etc., and provides support with individual planning if required.