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Statutes of the Friends of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies

Resolution of the General Meeting of October 24, 1989

I. Name, registered office and purpose
§ 1 Name and registered office
§ 2 Purpose

II Membership
§ 3 Members
§ 4 Contributions
§ 5 Honorary members
§ 6 Rights of members
§ 7 End of membership

III Organs of the association
§ 8 Organs
§ 9 The Executive Board
§ 10 Election of the Executive Board
§ 11 Representation of the association
§ 12 Tasks of the Executive Board
§ 13 General Meeting

IV. Asset management, financial year and auditors
§ 14 Asset management
§ 15 Financial year and auditors
§ 16 Dissolution

I. Name, registered office and purpose

§ 1 Name
The name of the Association is "Friends of the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies". It has its registered office in Heidelberg and is entered in the register of associations.

§ 2 Purpose

The "Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg e.V." pursues directly and exclusively charitable purposes:
1. The promotion of the University of Jewish Studies in Heidelberg, its members and institutions in the fulfillment of its tasks in research and teaching.
2. The promotion of international academic cooperation and exchange between other universities and the University of Jewish Studies.
3. To promote the cultivation of relations between the University of Jewish Studies and the academic and research community in the field of Jewish Studies.
4. The promotion of young academics at the University of Jewish Studies.
5. The promotion of continuing academic education.

1. The funds of the Friends may only be used for the purposes pursued by them; no one may benefit from administrative tasks that are alien to the purposes of the Association or from disproportionate remuneration. The work in the bodies of the association is voluntary.
2. The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

II Membership

§ Section 3 Members

(1) Members of the Circle of Friends can be Natural and legal persons as well as groups of persons and companies.

(2) Membership is acquired through a declaration of membership and its acceptance by the Board of Directors. The declaration of membership must be addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

§ 4 Contributions

Members shall pay annual contributions. The minimum contribution shall be determined by the Executive Board. Otherwise, the contribution is left to the self-assessment of the members. Members should declare the annual contribution they are prepared to pay when they join.

§ 5 Honorary members

Anyone who has rendered special services to the Circle of Friends may be appointed an honorary member by the General Meeting on the proposal of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds majority.

§ 6 Rights of members

All members have one vote each in the General Meeting. Members have preferential access to events organized by the Freundeskreis.

§ 7 Termination of membership

(1) Membership expires upon death or by written notice of resignation, which is permissible for the end of a financial year.

(2) Members who damage the reputation and interests of the Circle of Friends or fail to fulfill their legal obligations may be expelled by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors. Before the expulsion becomes effective, the member concerned must be heard by the Board. Membership shall be suspended for this period.

(3) A member shall leave the Association if it is three years in arrears with the payment of its membership fee despite a timely reminder. The member shall leave at the end of the year following the third year. The Executive Board shall determine the resignation and inform the member in writing.

III Bodies of the Association

§ 8 Organs

The bodies of the Association are
a) the Executive Board
b) the General Meeting.

§ 9 The Executive Board

The Executive Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

The Board shall consist of
1. a Chairperson who is not a member of the University of Jewish Studies,
2. the Rector of the University of Jewish Studies, as an official member,
3. the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the University of Jewish Studies, as an official member,
4. the Treasurer, who is also the Deputy Chairman of the Board,
5. one further member.

§ 10 Election of the Board of Directors

(1) The members of the Board of Directors who are not members by virtue of office and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the General Meeting for a term of three years. However, their office does not end until their successors are elected.

(2) If a member resigns before the end of the term of office, the Board of Directors is entitled to elect a successor for the remaining term of office.

§ 11 Representation of the Association

The Association is represented in and out of court by the Chairman of the Executive Board (§ 9, No. 1), the Treasurer (§ 9, No. 4) and one other member of the Executive Board (§ 9, No. 5). Each member of the Management Board has sole power of representation. Internally, it is determined that the two members of the Executive Board according to § 9, no. 4 and 5, are only authorized to represent the company if the Chairman of the Executive Board is prevented from doing so.

§ Section 12 Tasks of the Executive Board

(1) The Executive Board manages the day-to-day business. It shall prepare an annual report.

(2) The annual financial statements (statement of assets, expenses and income) shall be prepared jointly by the Chairman of the Executive Board and the Treasurer.

(3) The Executive Board manages the assets of the Association and decides on

1. the allocation of funds,
2. the preparation of an amendment to the Articles of Association, a change of purpose or an intended dissolution of the Circle of Friends.
3. the proposals for the appointment of honorary members by the General Meeting.

(4) The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year. It shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board and convened by him in writing, verbally, by telephone or by telegraph. The agenda does not need to be communicated. The Board of Directors shall also be convened if the Rector of the University of Jewish Studies deems this necessary for important reasons in connection with the activities of the Freundeskreis.

§ 13 General Assembly of Members

(1) The General Assembly of Members shall receive the annual report and the accounts of the Board of Directors. It grants discharge to the Board of Directors. It elects the Board of Directors. It is responsible for resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association and any dissolution of the Association.

(2) The General Meeting shall be convened at least once a year with at least 10 days' notice by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and chaired by him. The invitation shall be sent to the address of the members previously known to the Association, stating the agenda.

(3) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the Chairman within four weeks if the Board of Directors or at least one tenth of all members of the Circle of Friends so request, stating the items to be discussed.

(4) Any properly convened General Meeting shall constitute a quorum. Resolutions of the General Meeting shall be passed by a simple majority of the votes cast, with the exception of amendments to the purpose of the Association and amendments to the Articles of Association for the dissolution of the Association, for which a two-thirds majority is required. The decision to dissolve the association requires the confirmation of a second general meeting, which must be convened within a quarter of a year.

(5) Minutes shall be taken of the General Meeting, which shall be signed by the Chairman and another member of the Board of Directors.

IV. Asset management, financial year and auditors

§ 14 Asset management

The Association is authorized to carry out asset management assigned to it.

§ 15 Financial year and auditors

(1) The financial year is the calendar year.

(2) The annual financial statements shall be audited by one or two auditors elected by the General Meeting for a period of one year.

§ 16 Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, the existing net assets of the Circle of Friends shall be transferred to the University of Jewish Studies to fulfill its tasks. If the General Meeting does not appoint the members of the Board of Directors as liquidators, the Chairman and his deputy shall be the liquidators with joint power of representation.