Student Assistant, Corpus Masoreticum
Student assistant Chair of Talmud, Codices & Rabbinic Literature
Project Assistant at the RdR Forum +49 6221 54 192 70 Room N2.01 (new building, 2nd floor) Academic career 06/2018 Habilitation in Fundamental Theology at…
Mecca and Jerusalem With the help of a radio program/podcast (produced in cooperation with Hessischer Rundfunk), the project aimed to make research on Jewish-Muslim relations accessible to a broad…
New edition of the German. Edition of 1933, with a biographical introduction by Fritz Bamberger (reprint of the essay, Julius Guttmann - Philosoph des Judentums, in: Robert Weltsch (ed.), Deutsches…
Introductory Literature Barnett, M. (Ed.). (1996). Israel in Comparative Perspective. Challenging the Conventional Wisdom. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Dowty, A. (1998). The…
"Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy science. It is a form of scientific self-commitment that encompasses the respectful treatment of each other, study participants, animals,…
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Studying at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies Are you interested in studying at the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies? Or are you simply curious about the wide range of courses on…
The MEDITERRANEAN LANGUAGE REVIEW is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed forum for the investigation of language and culture in the Mediterranean. The editors of this periodical welcome articles,…