Literature Research Rambi - The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies Sembi: Bibliography on the Bible (Prof. Dr. Golinets) Bildi (Bibelwissenschaftliche Literaturdokumentation Innsbruck)…
The biblical text of the manuscripts with Babylonian-Yemenite punctuation: recording the text variants Funded by the German Research Foundation The biblical text of the…
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PD Dr. Hildegard Frübis Contact: Associate member of the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg Office hours: by appointment SS 2023-WS 2023/24…
Chair representation: PD Dr. Hildegard Frübis Studied art history and ethnology in Tübingen and Bologna. Doctorate in 1993 in Tübingen with a thesis on the "Discovery of America in the imagery of…
Jewish Art is a sub-subject of Jewish Studies. As part of the B. A and M. A. degree programs, the subject is offered in the advanced module and in the specialization modules/intensive modules. A…
Sponsorship The Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies (HfJS) is sponsored by the Central Council of Jews in Germany. The HfJS has close links with the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität…
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