Research Center Management Research Assistants Student assistants
Chair Holder and Staff Corpus Masoreticum Student assistants Bible Glossaries Student assistants Biblia Rabbinica Student assistant
with Rav Prof. Birgit Klein
Conflict and acculturation: Roman legionaries present their spoils during the triumphal procession on the occasion of the Siege-Greek Jewish War; here, among other things, a menorah (Arch of…
The books in the Davidovic estate contain numerous ownership notes. Not all of them have yet been recorded and documented. The processing status of the individual entities recorded to date varies…
WerteInitiative e.V. is a political non-profit organization that has established itself as a Jewish civil society voice in Germany over the past few years.
Blockseminare SoSe 2024
Texts of the Western Diaspora (ca. 400-800) and their Christian reception (ca. 700-1200) by Prof. Dr. Johannes Heil
Schnupperstudium 2024