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Heidelberg Stadt
Heidelberg Stadt
Blick auf Heidelberg

Master of Education (extension subject)

The most important Facts in brief

  • Degree: Master of Education
    Degree Master of Education
  • Start of the Studies: Winter Semester
    Start of the Studies Winter Semester
  • Course Language: German / English
    Course Language German / English
  • Standard Period of Study: 4 Semesters (extension subject with 120 CP) or 3 Semesters (extension subject with 90 CP)
    Standard Period of Study 4 Semesters (extension subject with 120 CP) or 3 Semesters (extension subject with 90 CP)
  • Deadline for Applications: 15.5. (under certain conditions also 15.11.)
    Deadline for Applications 15.5. (under certain conditions also 15.11.)

Aim of the Degree Program

The Jewish Religious Studies teaching degree program can also be chosen as an extension subject if the relevant requirements are met. The extension subject with 120 credit points is aimed at the teaching profession at lower and upper secondary level, while the extension subject with 90 credit points enables the teaching profession at lower secondary level. The degree program introduces students to the fields of Jewish religion, history and culture from antiquity to today's trends and lifeworlds and at the same time enables them to expand their academic knowledge with didactic and pedagogical skills in independent modules.

The M.Ed. Jewish Religious Studies, Teacher Training as an Extension Subject (90 and 120 CP) develops the subject in terms of content and didactics and pedagogy. To this end, the foundations of the subject are first laid in introductory, advanced and specialization modules. The subject is deepened in a subject-specific module, a subject-didactic module and an interlinking module, in which subject-didactic and subject-specific issues are combined. It prepares students for the teaching profession for Jewish religious education in secondary level I (90 credit points) or in secondary levels I and II (120 credit points) and is therefore primarily intended for students who, after passing the state examination, can teach religious education on behalf of and with the approval of the state associations of Jewish or Israelite (religious) communities in accordance with Basic Law Art. 7, Para. 3.

The M.Ed. in Jewish Religious Studies as an extension subject requires a first M.Ed. degree or an equivalent degree (e.g. state examination).

Detailed information can be found in the curricula and module handbooks. The Examinations Officeprovides information on examinations and examination regulations. The Student Advisory Service is also available to answer any further questions you may have.

"Judaism" is not adequately described by the common term "religion", as it is also understood as a specification of a school subject (religious education). The subject of Jewish Studies, as it is taught at the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, therefore offers a wide range of Jewish lifeworlds, from the history of the Jewish people to the Bible and Talmud, philosophy, literature and linguistics to Jewish art. Students who are aiming for a Master of Education can put together their studies from this broad range in order to study "Judaism" in all its diversity. In this way, they prepare themselves for the teaching profession in Jewish religious education with a broad range of subjects.

The standard period of study for the Master's course as the first degree is six semesters, including the time required to complete the Master's thesis.

The total number of credit points required to successfully complete the Master's degree as an extension subject in the compulsory and elective (compulsory) areas is 90 credit points (lower secondary level) or 120 credit points (lower and upper secondary level). The degree program has a modular structure.

After passing the Master's examination, the Heidelberg University of Jewish Studies awards the academic degree "Master of Education" (abbreviated to M.Ed.).

The 90 credit points of the M.Ed. degree as an extension subject Secondary Level I comprise

  • 62 CP in subject-specific studies
  • 13 CP subject didactics
  • 15 CP Master's thesis

The 120 credit points of the M.Ed. degree as an extension subject secondary level I and II comprise

  • 90 CP Subject-specific science
  • 15 CP subject didactics
  • 15 CP Master's thesis

If you have any further questions, please contact the Student Advisory Service.

Further Study Programs