The event is made up of appointment presentations and teaching samples from the two invited candidates.
Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Jona Pawelczyk-Kissin
Dr Joshua Krug, HfJS Heidelberg Abraham Joshua Heschel on Higher Education
Dr Nehemia Gordon
Lecture by Dr Hila Zaban, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kinneret Academic College, Israel
Info event
Book presentation by Dr Corry Guttstadt (ikw Hamburg)
Fireside chat with Dr Corry Guttstadt (ikw Hamburg)
Dr Gerold Bönnen (Director of the Worms City Archive & the Jewish Museum Worms, Dr h.c. University of Heidelberg)
Assoc. Prof. Javier del Barco (Complutense University of Madrid)
Music: Dan Popek
Fireside chat with Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz
A lecture by Hizky Shoham (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Causes and Consequences
A lecture by Professor Daniel Bar-Tal