Gaming against right-wing extremism, exclusion and anti-Semitism - an educational game with Joseph Süß Oppenheimer ("Jud Süß") The New Right uses modern media such as computer games to indoctrinate…
Research Assistant BMBF project “Educational game Joseph Süß Oppenheimer” at the Chair for the History of the Jewish People
+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 70
+49 0 62 21 54 192 - 91
Project description Sources and materials on the regional history of Baden, 19th century These school materials are designed for teachers and students of history in Baden. The handouts enable…
CURRICULUM VITAE Career 2017 - Master of Arts in Hebrew Letters, title "Rabbi", Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Wyncote, PA (USA) Since 2006 - Holder of the Chair of "History of the…
Immatrikulation HfJS