The Formation of The Palestinian Refugee Crisis and The International Red Cross, 1949-1950
In January 1949, the International Red Cross and the Trans-Jordanian government started taking responsibility over the immense humanitarian crisis the Arab Israeli 1948 war had created in the West Bank. About 350,000 refugees resided with relatives, in public buildings and under the open sky. Looking at the 16 months of collaboration between the Jordanian authorities and the ICRC, teaches us about the nature of the health challenges facing this community, the efforts to supply them with food, shelter, hygienic living conditions and medical services; and then the refugees coping mechanisms with their predicament.

Datum 22. Mai 2024
Uhrzeit 16:15 - 17:45 UTC+02:00
Teilnahme Präsenz
Sprache Englisch
Ansprechperson HfJS
Ort / Link Historisches Seminar (Grabengasse 3-5)
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