Doktorandenkolloquium SoSe 2015
Rede 27. Januar 2020 HD Rathaus
CV Imen Ben Temelliste
CV Müller
Curriculum Vitae Education 2019- today PhD candidate; Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg. Working title of the PhD project “The…
Every other Thursday, organized by the HfJS Student Union
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Biblia Rabbinica
Gianfranco Miletto is university private lecturer (“Privatdozent”) at the University of Halle-Wittenberg. He has published on Biblical Philology and on the Jewish culture in Italy at the time…
Publications Doctoral dissertation: Ilona Steimann, Habent sua fata libelli: Hebrew Books from the Collection of Hartmann Schedel (doctoral thesis, The Hebrew…
Publikationen Monographien Der älteste Astronomietraktat in französischer Sprache: L'introductoire d'astronomie. Edition und lexikalische Analyse, Tübingen 1998, VII + 208 S.…